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What can the Writing Center offer faculty?

We love partnering with faculty across campus to connect undergraduate and graduate writers from all disciplines to our services! We offer the same one-on-one, collaborative writing consultations to faculty members, too!

Read on for more information about what the Writing Center can do for you and your class!

Writing Center Services and Benefits

What services can the Writing Center offer me and my students?

The Writing Center offers individualized, one-on-one peer consultations, providing rich feedback to your students that big classes and busy schedules may make difficult to give.

Why should my students use the Writing Center?

  • Clear writing is difficult to accomplish without readers. All writers need readers. Our Writing Center is staffed by passionate and experienced readers who assist writers to clearly and effectively communicate to their audience by providing an audience’s perspective of the text.
  • Knowledgeable peers can help writers develop confidence in their own writing. Listening carefully, asking strategic questions, appreciating what the writer and their writing does well, and offering resources and advice grounded in best practices for writing instruction are all ways we promote a writer’s confidence.
  • Peer-to-peer writing consultations helps writers build autonomy with individualized writing strategies. Sharing writing is a vulnerable act and peer-to-peer consultations offer a welcoming and non-evaluative space for writers to talk about their writing. These flexible and dynamic conversations create the conditions for writers to revise and proofread on their own and to practice new strategies alongside fellow students.

What can I expect from the Writing Center’s consultants?

Writing consultants come from all majors and all across campus, bringing their educational backgrounds and identities in conjunction with their knowledge of writing into each consultation. Every undergraduate and graduate consultant receives intensive training through a semester long 1-credit internship, a 3-credit class Write 303/503, as well as additional professional development workshops throughout the year. We engaged in evidence-based instructional practices like:

  • Writing Center pedagogy and tutoring theory
  • Language acquisition theory
  • Foundational rhetorical theory
  • Genre theory and writing in the disciplines
  • Cognitive learning theories
  • Inclusive learning practices
  • Rhetorical grammar

…and more!

How can I partner with the Writing Center?

The Writing Center partners with faculty to support undergraduates, graduates, and staff with all things writing! Faculty can click here to submit a Faculty Request Form for specific Writing Center services.

Common types of partnerships we invite you to work with us on

  • In-class visits where we can introduce your class to the Writing Center, our services, and how to schedule appointments!
  • Tours to the Writing Center where you and your students can meet our consultants as they describe our services, answer questions, and welcome you to the space!
  • Presentations on special topics, such as when we presented on scientific grant writing in Fall 2023 with the Human-Environment Systems grad program at BSU!
  • Writing workshops, from our college bound scholarship essay workshop in Spring 2023, to creative writing!
  • Collaborations where we partner with a faculty member and prep our staff to work with students for a specific class or assignment. Required class visits from ENGL 101 and 102 students in first-year writing, or from BUSCOM 201 as part of our partnership with COBE, are notable examples of our long-term partnerships!
  • Faculty consultations to discuss writing resources, address specific questions, and provide assistance with writing-related concerns, e.g. making an inclusive syllabus, designing clear and effective writing assignments, and providing empowering feedback to writers!

How can I recommend a student?

The Writing Center is a rewarding place for compassionate students to work in an equitable and educational environment with a diverse range of people across campus. We look for writers who offer constructive feedback, listen well in groups, engage with others with curiosity and compassion, and are interested in writing. Please encourage potential writing consultants to join our team! Internships are offered every fall semester.