Emily Hawley, Spanish Sec Ed BA (2023) from Auburn, WA, has won the Fulbright ETA and will be teaching English in Colombia, South America next year.
An equally prestigious but differently funded Fulbright, from the Austrian government, has chosen three of our Boise State students in German for it’s USTA (US Teaching Assistantship):

Joey Bradshaw (German Major, Latin Minor, 2023) from Meridian, ID is a USTA Fulbright-Austria winner and will be teaching English in Hollabrunn, Austria next year.
We also have 2 Alternate award winners for the USTA Fulbright-Austria.

Katherine Bukhantsov (German Major, English Literature Minor, Global Studies Minor, Linguistics Minor, Elementary Chinese Certificate) from Boise, ID. Katherine will be teaching in Upper Austria, near the larger city of Linz, in two schools: in the Europagymnasium in the town of Baumgartenberg, and the “BORG” (Federal Senior High School) in the neighboring town of Perg.
We also have an Alternate award winner for the USTA Fulbright-Austria: Kelsi Ramakers.

Kelsi Ramakers (Global Studies Major, German Minor, 2023) from Meridian, ID. She is waiting to hear if she too has won a position.