Basque officials invited Nere Lete, a professor of Basque in the Department of World Languages, to the inaugural “Basque Country Day” organized by the Basque government in Bilbao on June 19.
She was also interviewed by Bizkaia Irratia, a local radio station.
Three panels took place during the event on a variety of topics, including the Basque Autonomous Community (Euskadi), culture and innovation.
Other participants were: Estíbaliz Arenzana Sáenz de Valluerca, Director of Global Shapers Bilbao; Leyre Arrieta Alberdi, professor, University of Deusto; Clara Martín, Ikerbasque research associate; Eneko Atxa, Basque chef, 14th position on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants; Juan Ignacio Vidarte, director of the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum; Josu Esnaola, director of the CAF group; and Ricardo Diez Muiño, director of the International Physics Center.