8 Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness Services recognizes that it takes a balance between 8 dimensions of wellness in order to live a healthy and wholesome life!
Learning about the various dimensions can help you choose how to make wellness a part of your everyday life. For more information, visit each dimension or check out this video!
Social Wellness
Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system. Make at least one social connection daily, seek advice from peers or support groups and foster healthy relationships.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I have people with whom I have a close, trusting relationship.
2. I have satisfying social interactions with others.
3. I am aware and able to set and respect my own and others’ boundaries.
4. I am aware of the feelings of others and can respond appropriately.
5. I have a sense of belonging to a group or within organizations.
Financial Wellness
Satisfaction with current and future financial situations. Make it a point to understand your finances, establish good financial habits and plan for the future.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I live within my means and take responsibility for my financial decisions.
2. My spending and saving habits reflect my values and beliefs.
3. I pay bills on time and positively manage credit.
4. I balance present-day spending with saving for the future.
5. I have similar financial beliefs and practices as those with whom I am close.
Emotional Wellness
Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. Listen to your feelings and express them to people you trust to maintain a positive outlook.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I have a sense of control in my life and am able to adapt to change.
2. I perceive “problems” as opportunities for growth.
3. I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled.
4. I have a sense of fun and can laugh at myself.
5. I believe I am responsible for my feelings and how I express them.
Intellectual Wellness
Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills to foster curiosity. Be open to new ideas, insights, and wisdom.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I enjoy learning new skills and information.
2. I am generally satisfied with my vocation/major.
3. I commit time and energy to professional growth and self-development.
4. My work is stimulating, rewarding, and reflects my values.
5. I pursue mentally stimulating interests and hobbies.
Occupational Wellness
Personal satisfaction and enrichment from things you are passionate about, whether it is through work, school, or volunteering.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I feel my job allows me to make a difference in the world.
2. I am happy with the professional/personal growth provided by my job.
3. I am happy with my work/life balance.
4. The payoffs/advantages in my career field choice are consistent with my values.
5. I am happy with the amount of control I have in my work.
Environmental Wellness
Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. A positive environment has a calming effect, and should also be a place where you are safe.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I am aware of the environment around me and strive to live in harmony with it.
2. The environment where I live and spend my time is safe and nurturing.
3. I understand and think about how what I do impacts those around me.
4. I believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting the world around us.
5. I practice environmentally conscious behaviors (e.g., recycling, composting).
Physical Wellness
Reduce your risk of many illnesses by increasing activity levels according to your abilities, getting restful sleep at night, choosing healthy and balanced foods, and exploring ways to reduce stress and increase energy levels.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I generally eat a variety of foods.
2. I exercise at least three times a week.
3. I am generally free from illness.
4. I have annual check-ups and specific medical checks as prescribed.
5. If at all, I use alcohol, or prescribed drugs responsibly and moderately.
Spiritual Wellness
Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Enhance your connection to self, nature, and others to bring balance and peace in your life. Take time to discover what values and beliefs are most important to you.
Ask yourself, how often do you experience the following:
1. I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life.
2. I have a general sense of serenity.
3. I practice prayer, meditation, or engage in some type of reflective growth.
4. Principles/ethics/morals provide guides for my life.
5. I trust others and am able to forgive others and myself.