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Web Tools and Remediation Micro-Certification Badge

This online, self-paced course is available for Boise State employees who want to learn more about web accessibility and demonstrate their ability to create accessible digital content.

Format and Requirements

This self-paced option is offered in a flexible online environment. This way you can access the course materials on your schedule and complete tasks when it works best for you. You can register at any time for a self-paced option and have a semester to complete all the requirements.

  1. Register anytime during the semester
  2. Complete activities at your own pace
  3. Receive occasional reminders about progress


  1. Must be a Boise State employee (student employee’s included)
  2. Access to a web publishing platform to publish final accessible webpage
  3. Complete all required and optional activities

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course you will:

  1. Identify web accessibility requirements
  2. Write alternative text descriptions
  3. Troubleshoot and remediate accessibility errors
  4. Publish accessible web content using a web publishing platform
  5. Articulate the needs for accessible web content at your organization

Register for Course

  • Enrollment Information

  • Thank you for your interest in web accessibility! At this time, this training is only available to Boise State employees. If you are interested in learning more, we suggest the Introduction to Web Accessibility course available from the W3C.
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