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Fix Policy Violations

As we finalize institutional policies in Monsido, we will update this page with information. In the meantime, you’ll find a list of the policies we do have in place in the Monsido Policy Directory section with information about what it means and how to fix it.

About the Monsido Policy Directory

The policies listed here are not policies from the University Policy Manual. Instead our policies located within Monsido to help monitor our web environment and identify areas for accessibility compliance and align with university web standards.

How to Resolve Policy Violations

screenshot example of Monsido policy menu action items
Select Mark as Fixed after reviewing or updating a page with a policy violation.

Follow the guidance provided in the Monsido Policy Directory on this page to learn the following about an individual policy violations:

  • What it means?
  • How to fix?

After following the guidance for “how to fix” an individual issue, within Monsido, you may select the Action of Mark as fixed to mark an individual issue off your list.

Review the Monsido Policy Directory section of this page for more details on individual policy violation.

Monsido Policy Directory

Albertsons Library

What it means?

This page contains one or more references to “Albertson’s” Library. Albertsons does not have an apostrophe.

How to fix?

Locate the reference on your page and remove apostrophe from Albertsons.

Blockquotes missing cite attribute

What it means?

Blockquotes must contain a cite attribute to indicate who said the quote.

How to fix?

Please review the Blockquote section on Webguide: WordPress Text Editor for details on adding the cite attribute to your blockquote.

Catalog Content References

What it means?

Page contains references to content found in the catalog, including course descriptions, degree requirements, admissions requirements, or program learning outcomes.

How to fix?

Please review your content and include the following statement: “Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog site [insert hyperlink to appropriate catalog] Updated [month/year].

Example: Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official degree requirements are published on the Undergraduate Catalog site. Updated 07/2023

Change Institutional Research references to Institutional Effectiveness

What it means?

Institutional Research’s name has changed to Institutional Effectiveness. Name changed approved by Provost 4/22.

How to fix?

Please review references on your webpages to the name institutional research and update as needed.

Date picker used in Gravity Forms

What it means?

The datepicker is not accessible for users who rely on the keyboard or screen reader.

How to fix?

Please select a different input type to improve the accessibility of your form. We recommend selecting the Date Field instead and adding custom labels to your form field.

Please see Webguide: Using WordPress Forms for details.

Directional terms

What it means?

Directional terms like above, below, left, and right, are not always the most accurate way to describe content. For example, instead of saying “see the information below” you can say “see the [section name] on this page for details.”

How to fix?

Please review your content and edit these terms as necessary. If your page is using these phrases in a sentence and not as a direction, you don’t need to make changes. However, if you are using these terms as a direction, for example “see video below,” then edit the page accordingly. For tips, review the Table of Suggested Terms in the next section.

For questions or assistance, please contact

Table of Suggested Terms

Instead of using...Consider using...Example
AbovePreceding, previous, or priorReview the previous section to for more details.
BelowAfter, following, or nextTo register, select the following 'Register' link.
Left or RightSide or if referencing a specific area on a page, inspect the element and find the accessible nameFrom the side navigation, select the Tools option.
TopBeginningReturn to the Beginning of the page.
BottomEndSkip to the end of the page.

Job Aid

For step by step directions on how to resolve this issues, review the Job Aid: Directional Terms.

Embedded Videos

What it means?

Video content requires accurate captions, audio description, and a descriptive transcript. This policy finds embedded videos by searching the HTML code for common HTML attributes that appear by every video. Should work for every source: YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

How to fix?

Review the video on your page to ensure there are the following:

  • Accurate captions that identify speakers and relevant sounds
  • Audio description of important visual information presented on the screen
  • A descriptive text transcript either provided on the same page or linked to a new page

If your embedded video meets these requirements, you may mark as fixed.

For questions or assistance, please contact

Empty heading tag

What it means?

This page contains one or more empty heading tags.

How to fix?

Please review the page and either remove the empty heading tag or add text to the tag.

Image element contains a title attribute

What it means?

The title attribute should be empty. This page contains one or more images that has a value in the title field.

How to fix?

Please review and either delete the title description or move the contents to alt text or caption field.

Please contact the Web Accessibility Team with questions at

Image missing alt text description

What it means?

One or more images on this page are missing an alternative text description.

How to fix?

Please review images and if an alternative text description is required, update the media properties. For details, see Webguide: Add Alt Text to Images or contact the Web Accessibility Team at

Job Aid

For step by step directions on how to resolve this issue, review the Job Aid: Image missing alt text description.

Indented text

What it means?

Page contains text that is indented. Adding indents that are not in the CSS can make the page more difficult to read.

How to fix?

Please review and remove the indents from the text. Please contact with questions.

Layout tables

What it means?

This page contains one or more tables with merged columns or rows. This makes the table difficult to navigate and read.

How to fix?

Please remove the merged column or row spans from the table, or remove the table from the page.

If you have empty cells, please review and add appropriate content.

Contact the Web Accessibility Team for assistance at

Long alt text description

What it means?

Long alt text descriptions can be more difficult for users to understand. One of more images on this page contains an alt text description greater than 100 characters (English).

How to fix?

Please review and shorten by removing any extraneous information, adding the description to the caption, or adding a long description to the page. For details, see Webguide: Add Alt Text to Images

Multiple Inaccessible PDFs - Review, Replace, or Remove

What it means?

This page contains multiple inaccessible PDFs that we may, or may not have the resources to remediate in a timely manner. The accessibility statement was added to alert users who they can contact in the case of an access barrier. This is not a permanent solution and should not be used as one.

How to fix?

Please review the PDFs on this page and make a plan to update the content. Options include:

  1. Removing outdated content,
  2. Making it available by request only
  3. Replacing with HTML content, or
  4. Request a remediation quote in Monsido

If you have questions or need assistance developing a remediation plan, please contact

Page contains Heading Level 5 or 6 - review for formatting

What it means?

Heading levels must be listed in order. This page contains one or more heading level 5, and/or 6. These two headings levels are often placed out of order.

How to fix?

Heading levels must be listed in order. This page contains one or more heading level 5, and/or 6. These two headings levels are often placed out of order.

Remove b tags

What it means?

Bold text (b tags) is not an effective way to convey meaning in text. This page contains one or more b tags (<b> </b>) to style text.

How to fix?

Please remove the b tags (<b> </b>) and replace with either an appropriate heading or with a strong tag (<strong> </strong>). Contact the Web Accessibility team at for assistance if needed.

Job Aid

For step by step directions on how to resolve this issues, review the Job Aid: Remove b tags.

Remove i tags

What it means?

Italicized text (i tags) is not an effective way to convey meaning in text. This page contains one or more i tags (<i> </i>) to style text.

How to fix?

Please locate and remove the i tags (<i> </i>) from the page. Replace with either an appropriate heading or with a emphasis tag (<em> </em>. Contact the Web Accessibility team at for assistance if needed.

Job Aid

For step by step directions on how to resolve this issue, review the Job Aid: Remove i tags.

Review bold text and if necessary, replace with a heading

What it means?

Bold or strong text should not be used as a section heading on a webpage.

How to fix?

Review this page and if the bold text is acting like a section heading, replace with the appropriate heading tag.

For questions, contact

Tab panels missing headings

What is it?

Content within a tab panel should start with a heading 3. This improves the navigation of the tab panel for users of assistive technology.

How to fix?

Please review the tab panels on the page and add a heading 3 that matches the name of the panel to be beginning of the content.

Turn off "hover" feature on TablePress table

What it means?

One or more table on this page has the table option “Highlight a row while the mouse cursor hovers above it by changing its background color” turned on. This setting can interfere with screen reader user navigation.

How to fix?

Please turn this feature off using the Table Option section in the Edit Table settings.

What it means?

This page contains one or more links that are unclear.

How to fix?

Please review and update links to be more distinct. See Webguide: Generic Links for guidance.

What does it mean?

What it means?

Underlined text appears to look like a hyperlink and doesn’t convey any meaning for non-visual users.

How to fix?

Untagged PDFs

What's it mean?

This PDF is missing tags, which are necessary for assistive technology users to access and read the document.

How to fix?

To edit this document, download into Adobe Acrobat Pro, select Accessibility, then Autotag document. Complete an accessibility check to see if any errors remain. If so, submit document for an accessibility review using the link available on Webguide: Publishing Documents. If no errors remain, replace the untagged PDF with the newly tagged version.