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University Website Migration “Content Freeze” March 14-16

Boise State is migrating our university WordPress production environment to a new cloud-hosting provider from  Tuesday, March 14 through Thursday, March 16.


  • The primary impact of this migration is that any website edits made to our WordPress sites between 7:00 am on March 14 and end of day on March 16 may not be reflected in our production environment after March 16.
  • As such, we recommend you observe a “content freeze” during the March 14-16 migration process and ask you to avoid making any website changes during this time.
  • You can still make edits and add new content if absolutely necessary March 14-16, but you will likely need to re-create those edits after our new environment goes live on March 16.

We will notify you  through email when the migration is complete. Once the new environment is live, we do not expect you to notice any changes in how you access or use WordPress. The only thing that is changing is the location of our website data.

Moving to a cloud hosting environment is a first step in future-proofing the university’s public website and offers Boise State additional options for scalability and flexibility over time.

We apologize for the short notice, but this is a highly dynamic process and we are committed to ensuring everything goes as expected during the migration.

Please let us know if you have any questions or want additional information. Email the Help Desk at or call (208) 426-4357.