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University Forms and Documents

Important Note: These documents and forms are real-time resources. We recommend downloading these documents every time you need them. Always refer to the online versions for the most up-to-date information.

Forms and Documents

Administrative Accounting

Use this form to inform administrative accounting of a structural change or reorganization in your unit.

Use this template for accounts receivable invoices.

Use this form to request surplus transfers, reallocations, and corrections to transactions with no transaction number.

Complete this form and attach to Journal Entry Request.

Forms for creating and maintaining segments and combinations.

Use this form to add, change or deactivate a funding source segment.


Admission application for international students applying for graduate programs.

Admission application for international students applying for undergraduate programs.

Request transcripts to be sent to Boise State. Explanation of fax policy.

Application for admission to Idaho’s public colleges and universities.

Architectural and Engineering Services

Use this form to request service from Architectural and Engineering Services.

Childrens Center

Application form to go on the waitlist for the Children’s Center.

Dean of Students

Facilities Operations and Maintenance

Submit a request to Campus Operations.

General Counsel

This form is required for every Independent Contractor position to define the agreement between Boise State University and an independent contractor (Contract for Services replaces independent contractor forms).

Information about submitting contracts for review.

This form agreement has been approved for use by the Office of the General Counsel for contracting with artists for performance-type services.

Graduate College

Use this form to modify the student’s program requirements as indicated previously on the Application for Admission to Candidacy (Graduate College).

Use this form to apply for graduate admission as an international student.

Human Resources

In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the State of Idaho will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in the State’s services, programs, or activities.

Authorize limited release of medical information in conjunction with a request for Reasonable Accommodation

Complete this form to submit a background check.

Use this form to enroll in a voluntary term life insurance plan.

Use this form to enroll in a basic life insurance program (used to designate beneficiaries).

Submit this form to update non-standard working days for 9, 10, 11 month employees (view standard employment dates).

Submit this form if the only task you need to complete is a funding source/costing change.

Use this form to retrieve information needed from new employees. Includes affirmative action information, which is required for reporting purposes.

Reciprocal agreements allow Boise State employees to take courses for reduced fees at other Idaho institutions. Each institution has specific rules. Visit the Tuition Fee Waiver Benefit webpage for more information.

Submit this form to separate an employee.

As soon as you have made a decision to resign, please complete and submit this form to your immediate Supervisor.

Use this form to create a faculty early start agreement

Use this form to create and agree to a phased retirement program, where the combined percentage of Fall and Spring semester salaries cannot exceed 49%.

An employee and dependent child may utilize the fee waiver in the same semester, however, only one dependent child may use the fee waiver at a time.

Use this form to waive fees for courses as an employee in a permanent position

Use this form to waive fees for courses as the spouse of an employee in a permanent position

Use this form to get a food voucher, which allows qualified Boise State Classified employees to get one free meal a week

The GoodWill program is a food voucher system allowing qualified Boise State Classified employees to get one or two free meals a week.

Use this form to apply for medical enrollment, or health insurance, in the State of Idaho from Regence as a full-time employee.

List of Acceptable Documents for proof of identity.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are a way to pay dependent daycare expenses and medical expenses on a before-tax basis.

Use this form for adjunct faculty appointments.

Use this form for limited service appointments. To be renewed or updated every two years.

Use this form to evaluate the performance of a Supervisor/Manager.

Use this form to designate beneficiaries to receive your PERSI Base Plan and Choice 401(k) Plan death benefits

Use this form to choose how you want PERSI to handle the withdrawal of your PERSI Base Plan contributions and interest when you terminate employment with a PERSI employer

Use this form as a binding agreement to discuss a recruitment bonus for a new employee’s continuous employment with Boise State for a minimum of six months.

Use this form to aid in your reference checks.

Use this form as a binding agreement to discuss a retention bonus for a current employee’s continuous employment with Boise State for a minimum of six months.

Use this form to request Leave Without Pay.

Use this form to change the address or preferred name of the employee. Name changes can also lead to a change in the user name and Google Workspace / BroncoMail address

Any qualified individual employed at Boise State University with a disability who needs to have a disability reasonably accommodated must complete the Request for Reasonable Accommodation.

Use this form to reduce an Employee’s salary through a legally binding and irrevocable agreement. The amount specified will be paid to a retirement vendor as premiums on Supplemental Annuity Contract(s).

Use this form to reduce an Employee’s salary through a legally binding and irrevocable agreement. The amount specified will be paid to a retirement vendor as premiums on Supplemental Annuity Contract(s).

Use this checklist should be used to ensure the return of all University property and the resolution of outstanding financial obligations, if any, upon exit of the employee.

Donate shared leave.

Use this form to request the use of shared leave for serious illness/injury of either an employee or a family member of that employee.

Use this form to apply for telecommuting status as a University employee.

Classified employees may be granted a short-term, non-permanent increase to their base pay to recognize and compensate the employee’s short-term work assignments.

Boise State offers the privilege of an Educational Tuition and Fees Waiver Benefit to support the greater campus community. Eligibility is contingent on meeting requirements and compliance with the Tuition Fee Waiver Policy.

Use this form to state the terms and agreement for an underfill candidate.

Inventory Control

Use this form to report lost, missing or stolen equipment to the University’s Inventory Control Office.

Dispose of excess inventory items by using one of the five surplus forms. Surplus forms include Campus Surplus, eWaste, Trade-In, Sale, or Donation of equipment.


Use this form to request credit card processing, user access, a new item code or to update your current item codes in Transact Campus.

Office of Budget and Planning

Complete this template and upload to Segment Maintenance form to request new departments and cost centers.

Use this form to establish documentation and approval for funding requiring commitments of ongoing funds, program contractual agreements, or employment funding agreements.

Use this form to request a budget transfer.

Request for one-time supplemental funding to address an extraordinary challenge or opportunity that was not anticipated during the annual budget process.

Used to request one-time salary savings.

Office of Continuous Improvement

Use this form to update participants in the standard approval workflow for Expense Reports, Purchasing Requisitions and Budget Transfer in Bronco Hub.

Attach this template to the Approval Workflow Maintenance Form to request multiple updates.

Office of Information Technology

Use this form to gain approval for a mobile device to be used for University purposes only.

Dispose of excess inventory items by using one of the five surplus forms. Surplus forms include Campus Surplus, eWaste, Trade-In, Sale, or Donation of equipment.


Use this form to submit a New Card Application, Card Maintenance Request, User Agreement, Approver Agreement, Reconciler Agreement, Authorizer Delegation Agreement.

This form is not a substitute for an original receipt and should only be used if all attempts to obtain an original receipt have failed.

Use this form to notify a cardholder of a p-card issue that needs to be resolved. It identifies the issue, notes the action required to correct, and a time frame for resolution.


Instructions to submit a payroll correcting entry.

Use this form to submit time worked during a given time period only if you and your supervisor are unable to enter time via myBoiseState.

Instructions to access and receive your W4 form online.

Complete form W-4 so the University can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.

Estimate for the year ahead to determine how to complete form W-4 so you don’t have too much or too little federal income tax withheld.

Printing and Graphics

Submit all estimate requests and print orders by email to

Use this form to request services from the Sign Shop such as vinyl lettering/decals, engraved signs, banners, posters, plastic/metal signs, nameplates, name holders, or name tags.

Procurement and Vendor Services — Payables

Use this information as basic guidelines for moving expense reimbursement (be sure to consult the Boise State Moving Policy).

Use this form to establish a blanket travel authority. Valid for one term only.

This is a special use form and should be used only in consultation with a member of the Payables team. For approval to use this form, please email

This form is required for every Independent Contractor position to define the agreement between Boise State University and an independent contractor.

Use this form to request corrections to invoices for Expense Reports, Invoice Payments, Requisitions, Internal Payments, and P-Card Transactions.

Template to be used for submitting Invoice Payments that are paid via digital payment option through JP Morgan. The digital payment option should be used for transactions such as student per diems, reimbursements, and refunds to non-employees that are non-taxable.

Use this form in conjunction with meals, refreshments, and alcohol expenses.

Use this form to pre-authorized field trips and provide event expectations to students.

This form should be completed and submitted to Payables for gifts that exceed $75 for employees or $250 for nonemployees.

Use this form to determine whether a service provider is an independent contractor or an employee (use in lieu of the IC Status Form).

Use this form to request to submit Internal Payment requests.

Use this form to submit an Internal Payment.

Use this form to log mileage for vicinity travel reimbursement.

Use this form to have new employees consent to the moving expense policy at the University, if necessary under their circumstances.

Use this form to reference instructions on how to request moving funds, and what is/is not appropriate.

Use this form to request multiple corrections to Expense Reports, Requisitions, Internal Payments, and P-Card Transactions.

Complete this form to include as supporting documentation when submitting an Invoice Payment to reimburse a non-employee. For support related to reimbursing a non-employee, visit the non-employee reimbursement instruction page.

Vendor onboarding tool.

Per diem calculator (optional tool). Use this tool to calculate your per diem rates.

Use this worksheet to replenish Petty Cash.

Use this information to find a list of approved moving companies for use by employees, either moving into town or for some other business purpose.

Procedure for Human Subject Payments

Contact Procurement and Vendor Services for information about payments of human subjects for purposes of research.

Use this form to request a retreat. A defined purpose, schedule of activities, cost information and outcome of the retreat are needed.

Use this form to document activity in a social club, distinguishing between official University business and personal activities.

Use this form to authorize a membership to a social club for an employee, and ensure that they understand their duty to maintain a detailed log of personal and business use of the club.

Prior to completion of this form, please review University Policy 6190, Membership in Organizations, and follow the procedural instructions as noted on the policy.

Use this form to proceed with payment on a standard requisition.

Procurement and Vendor Services — Procurement

Use this form to request a procurement policy exemption.


Use this form to apply for sabbatical leave.

Use this form to report faculty sabbatical leave activities.

Use this form to request sabbatical replacement funds.

Use this form to evaluate a request for sabbatical leave:

Special Course Fee Request (Perceptive) (Right click the link to open form in an incognito browsers)

Use this form to request additional fees for courses that incur extraordinary expenses not covered by tuition payments.


Information about forms used to make individual adjustments to requirements stated in the Boise State University undergraduate catalog.

Use this form to schedule a class, or change/edit information regarding an existing class in the fall/spring.

Use this form to schedule a class, or change/edit class information regarding existing classes that are offered in Summer Sessions, eCampus (online), at Regional Sites (Boise State Center at CWI, Gowen Field, Mountain Home, Twin Falls, Coeur d’Alene, Lewiston, and Micron) or on the weekend.

Risk Management and Insurance

Visit the Risk Management and Insurance website for a list of forms.

Space Management

Use this form to request to use a space in the University, for example a classroom, office, wet/dry lab, etc.

Visit the Office of Sponsored Programs website to view current OSP forms.

Student Conduct Program

Use this form to guide and outline academic dishonesty when confronting a student.

Student Financial Services

Use this form to make fee and/or tuition payments for Boise State University undergraduate and graduate students.

Use this form to request information about a student’s account, financial aid, enrollment record, etc.

Use this form for SFUpload.

For support with the Student Financials Upload form, visit the Submitting Stipends, Fellowships and other Student Payments web page.

Supplemental information for the updated Student Financials Upload form.

Students who withdraw from one or more courses, due to circumstances outside of their control, may submit the appeal application to request a refund of fees.

Request for Student’s or Borrower’s Taxpayer ID Number and Certification.

Tax Reporting

Use this form to establish a petty cash fund, make changes to a petty cash/change fund, or close a petty cash fund.

Trademark Licensing and Enforcement

Use the form for university departments and student clubs and organizations to request donations of beverage product to support activities throughout the year and enhance student life:


Forms available through Public Safety’s website.

Treasury Management

Use this template for accounts receivable invoices.

Contact for additional information

Use this template for IRS Form 8300 information requests.

University Health Services

Forms offered through the University Health Services websites.

Vice President for Student Affairs

Forms offered through the website of the Vice President for Student Affairs.


Use this form to provide visitors and affiliates with campus services related to their campus role.

Request approval for a transfer of funds from University to Boise State University Foundation.

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