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Making Adjustments to Adjunct Appointments

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Who is this job aid for?

This job aid is for employees who need to:

#Class Additions Section

Steps to Make Adjustment to Adjunct Appointment for Class Additions

  • Important note: There is an 11 credit limit for adjuncts during a given semester. If the addition results in the adjunct going over 11 credit hours, Provost permission is required. Contact the Provost to work through next steps. Do not continue with the processes below.

Adjustment needed due to class additions AND the adjunct has not been paid

If the adjustment needed due to class additions AND the adjunct has not been paid complete the following:

Submit a Data Change – Change in Hours (may include salary change). Use the Hourly/Salary/Fringe Calculator to determine if a salary change is required).

Adjustment needed due to class additions AND the adjunct has been paid

If the adjustment needed due to class additions AND the adjunct has been paid (eg semester has started), complete the following:

  1. Determine the amount the adjunct has already been paid. Run the Salary Ledger Report to determine what the adjunct has been paid.
  2. Use this calculator to determine the new rate of pay with class additions. Note: New salary totals are determined by the number of credit hours entered into the calculator.
  3. Calculate the difference using the Hourly/Salary/Fringe Calculator.
  4. If ONLY weekly hours are changing, submit a Data Change – Change in Hours. Include the new 5 digit class numbers in the class number field.
  5. If ONLY the rate of pay is changing (hourly or salary) , submit a Salary Change. When submitting a salary change, select “Data Change” for the drop down “What’s the Action Name”?

#Class Cancellations Section

Steps to Make Adjustment to Adjunct Appointment for Class Cancellations

Adjustment needed due to class cancellation(s) AND faculty will still teach at least one course

If the adjustment needed due to class cancellation(s) AND faculty will still teach at least one course complete the following

  • If adjunct is hourly and will still teach at least one course in the semester that includes the cancellation(s) submit a Data Change – Change in Hours. Use this calculator to determine if the cancellation will result in a new rate of pay, if so update the salary information as outlined in step 8 of the job aid.
  • If adjunct is salary and will still teach at least one course in the semester that includes the cancellation(s) submit a Data Change – Change in Hours and update the salary information as outlined in step 8 of the job aid.


Run the Faculty Detail Report to determine if faculty is hourly or salary.

Adjustment needed due to class cancellation(s) AND faculty will not teach any courses due to cancellation(s)

If the adjustment needed due to class cancellation(s) AND faculty will not teach any courses due to cancellation(s) complete the following:

  • Submit the Employee Separation Perceptive form to change the employee end date. Include comments with 5 digit class numbers and note that class(es) were cancelled and adjunct is not teaching the course(s) listed.

#Course Enrollment Changes

Steps to Make Adjustment to Adjunct Appointment for Course Enrollment Changes

Adjustment needed due to increased enrollment (overload adjustment)

If the adjustment needed due to increased enrollment (overload adjustment) complete the following:

  • If the base salary is changing (eg moving from step 1 to step 2 adjunct rate), submit a Salary Change.

Adjustment needed due to decreased enrollment

If the adjustment needed due to decreased enrollment complete the following:

  • If enrollment falls below the designated threshold, the adjunct is kept at minimum step, submit a Salary Change. When submitting a salary change, select “Data Change” for the drop down “What’s the Action Name”?

View step details on page 2 of Tenure Track Promotion and Lecturer & Adjunct Compensations for FY23.

#Incorrect End Date Included on Hire Section

Steps to Make Adjustment to Adjunct Appointment for Incorrect End Date Included on Hire

Example of when this might occur: The semester is partial but the adjunct hire was submitted for the entire semester. This creates a discrepancy in what should be paid (eg adjunct should be paid for 10 weeks rather than 19 weeks)


Run the Faculty Detail Report to determine if faculty is hourly or salary.

Need help with this process?

For assistance with processes outlined in this job aid, send a detailed email to

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