General Travel FAQs
What is the per diem for Idaho?
The Idaho State Board of Examiners has set the daily per diem rate for Idaho at $55.00 as of January 1, 2022. The previous rate was $49.00 per day.
How do I calculate partial day per diem?
Use the Bronco Hub per diem calculator.
Can I spend some personal time at my business destination?
Yes. Purchase your airfare with personal funds and request reimbursement after the trip is complete. You must provide proof that the cost including the personal days was not more than the cost would have been for a business only trip. You must also provide the exact dates and times of departure and return to official university business.
What is the mileage rate for travel in a personal vehicle?
The rate is .67 cents per mile for all mileage after Mar 18, 2024.
What is a telecommute agreement and when is it needed?
A telecommute agreement is needed for an employee that has an official workstation that is not university owned or considered a satellite location for the university. Contact Human Resources to get one set up or to confirm one is on file. When entering an expense report for an employee that has a telecommute agreement on file with HR, please make a note in the description stating they have one on file.
What should I know about small (dollar) purchases?
These recommendations benefit the university by being financially and administratively efficient in order to facilitate cost savings, policy compliance, and transparency while providing protection to the purchaser.
1. Non-travel personal reimbursements should be limited to emergency purchases generally less than $300
2. P-Cards should be the first choice when making small purchases
3. Contract Vendors must be used whenever possible
4. Under no circumstances may an employee pay an individual for services
Other considerations:
- Computers, Ipads, or other IT equipment must be purchased through OIT
- Software requires SARB approval
- Foreign vendors must be evaluated for potential tax withholding
- Boise State has an Amazon Business membership which should be used for purchases to prevent individuals from paying sales tax and shipping and needing reimbursement. *Amazon Business Membership is for current P-Card Users
- Signed agreements must follow OGC policy and procedures
Overall, expense reports are the least cost-effective way to purchase items for the university and it puts the most risk on the purchaser. Purchases could be deemed ineligible for reimbursement for policy and/or accountable plan violations. Reimbursements should be minimized as much as possible.
Can I use an Airbnb?
Yes, but there are concerns. Airbnb is best used for individual travelers and is only allowed for domestic travel. Lodging for two or more travelers is highly discouraged, especially for groups. There are inherent risks associated with any group lodging situation and these may be exacerbated in a home setting. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) advises vetting and addressing concerns such as sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence and stalking.
At this time, the University has determined that Airbnb is the only short-term alternative lodging that can be used for University business without first submitting individual agreements to the Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”) for advance review and approval. Airbnb uses standard legal terms and conditions that have been vetted by OGC.
P-Card is the preferred method of payment when an individual is traveling. If paying on a personal card, be aware that the University will not reimburse for charges incurred due to non-compliance with the facility’s terms and conditions.
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