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Employee Travel And Expense Reimbursement Services

Travel is an essential function for many University roles. Site visits, field research and industry conferences are just a few of the reasons employees may need to travel. Boise State offers both a Purchasing Card and Travel Card option to limit the amount of out of pocket expenses incurred by employees, but we also recognize a card is not always the best option. In addition to travel expenses, employees sometimes have no choice but pay for a work-related expense out of pocket. Our goal is to provide you with the resources and expertise to process these reimbursements in a timely fashion while ensuring the University complies to Federal, State and University regulations.

Reimbursement Information

The first step for employees is a Travel Authorization (TA). All state employees are required to have travel pre-approved. For Boise State, this is done via the TA. This document should be as accurate as possible at the time it is created but it is not expected to perfectly match actual expenses. The TA serves as a budget and provides the pre-approval mandated by the State Board of Examiners. There are Job Aids available to assist with Submitting, Approving, Changing and Reviewing TAs.

Once the TA has been approved, travel may be paid for; however, keep in mind that no travel can be reimbursed until completed. We strongly recommend using the P-Card or Travel Card for as many costs as possible.

See Resources and FAQs for more detailed information.

Per Diem vs. Meals and Refreshments Rates

Per diem is a daily allowance paid to employees to cover business-related expenses incurred while traveling. Employees traveling on business within the state of Idaho are entitled to claim $58.00 per day for meals and incidentals (generally tips). When traveling outside the state of Idaho, employees should use rates set by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

The State of Idaho uses a per diem method of reimbursing travel, which means no receipts are required. If a department chooses to use the receipt method of reimbursement, the total cost for the day may not exceed the GSA rate. The cost of the meal includes food, non-alcoholic beverages, labor, sales tax, delivery and tips.

Meals and Refreshments rates are used when employees are purchasing food related to meetings, hosted conferences, workshops, etc. Meals and Refreshments rates are guided by per diem but differ depending on the funding source.

The maximum per-person expenditures listed below include the cost of the food, non-alcoholic beverages, labor, sales tax and tips. The costs of administrative fees, food delivery, staffing, room rental, room setup fees, media rental and decorations, etc., are not included in the per-person costs.

If a reception before a meal includes beverages and hors d’oeuvres, the combined charges for the reception and the meal should be treated as a single event for purposes of calculating per person costs.

For PR Meals out of state, the federal rate for meals from the GSA website may be used upon approval of the PR account owner.

Maximum Allowable Per Person Meal Expense Chargeable by Fund Source

MealAppropriated and GrantLocal (150% of Federal Rate for Idaho)PR Funds (250% of Federal Rate of state* )
Breakfast (or Refreshments) -25%$14.50$21.75$36.25
Lunch – 35%$20.30$30.45$50.75
Dinner – 55%$31.90$47.85$79.75
Full Day$58.00$87.00$145.00

Personal Vehicles vs Rentals

Within Idaho, University vehicles are the preferred mode of travel. Motor Pool Services offers a variety of vehicles, flexible and convenient pickup/drop off and a rate that will often be less than reimbursing mileage for a personal vehicle.

Vehicle Rentals through the University’s contracted rental car provider or the use of a personal vehicle may be authorized when it is an economical and practical means of transportation.

If using a personal vehicle for business travel, the traveler must use their personal automobile insurance with at least minimum liability coverage while driving on Official University Business. The cost of transportation is reimbursable at 70 cents per mile.

Charges for repairs, tires, gasoline or other operating expenses will not be separately reimbursed as they are considered covered by the University’s allowable mileage rate.

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