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Payment Processing

Making timely and accurate payments is important in order to keep good relationships with our vendor community. If you are unsure what way you should process a payment,  utilize the Procure to Pay Wizard for help .

Payment Resources

Correcting Entries

Correcting Entries are used to make adjustments to where a transaction was applied. On the next page search "Correcting Entries".

Independent Contractors

A non-Boise State employee providing technical or unique services for the University; an individual with a particular set of skills to perform a specific task.

Internal Payments

Payment for goods and/or service(s) that take place between Boise State departments. On the next page, search "Internal Payments.".

Invoice Payments

Invoice Payments are submitted for products/services that do not require a Purchase Order and cannot be paid for via P-Card. On the next page search "Invoice Payments".

P2P Resources

Forms, Policies, Contracts and Assistance


University P-Card is the preferred purchasing method for goods and services. P-Card purchases are generally up to $2,999 per transaction.

Purchase Order Payment Approval Form

This form is used to submit invoices, ready to be paid against a Purchase Order.


In some cases departments are able to help with relocation expenses for newly hired employees.

REUs, Participant Stipends and Human Subject Payments

Documentation and guidelines for facilitating research payments.

Student Payments

Fellowships, Reimbursements, Stipends and other Student Payments
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