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Idaho Sponsorship Law

(HB603), (Idaho Code ยง 67-2360)

The Idaho Sponsorhip Law, passed in July 2024, places restrictions on sponsorship and donation activity to non-governmental events or organizations. Sponsorships must be directly tied to the universityโ€™s educational, academic or research mission, including but not limited to recruitment, admissions or retention.

Appropriated funds may be used for sponsorships with pre-approval from Dr. Tromp. Appropriated Funds may not be used for donations.


Money paid to a nongovernmental entity in exchange for a beneficial return (e.g., advertising, promotion or materials), or the opportunity to advertise or promote at an event or in media. Sponsorships do not include funds paid for mere access to or attendance at an event, or participation in an event without associated advertising/promotion of the university.

Using Appropriated Funds vs. Local and Sponsored Funds

Appropriated Funds

  • All sponsorships require pre-approval by Dr. Tromp and should be submitted four weeks in advance of payment to allow time for the request to be processed.
  • Requests are submitted via a Smartsheet form.
  • The request will be screened by P2P to ensure both state and legal requirements are met.
    • Sponsorship Agreements provided by the receiving organization must have Office of the General Counsel (OGC) approval (allow a minimum of two weeks).
  • Once approved by P2P, the request will be routed to the funding source manager, the VP and then to Dr. Tromp for final approval. Payment will not be processed until all approvals are completed.

Local and Sponsored Funds

  • Sponsorships above $2,000 must be pre-approved by the divisional Vice President before payment is made.
  • Requests are submitted via a Smartsheet form.
  • The request will be screened by P2P to ensure legal requirements are met.
    • Sponsorship Agreements provided by receiving organization must have OGC approval (allow a minimum of two weeks)
  • Once approved by P2P, the request will be routed through the appropriate approval workflow. Payment will not be processed until all approvals are completed.