Transaction and Payment Processing Guide
Find where a transaction is in approvals
Refer to the Run the Approval Workflow Dashboard Report job aid.
See details of a specific transaction
Refer to the Run a Campus Transaction Dashboard Report job aid.
Track a request on Smartsheets
Visit the Tracker Center website.
Submit a Correction or Multiple Corrections
Submit a Correcting Entry Request for single corrections.
Submit a Multiple Correcting Entry Request for multiple corrections.
Have an Internal Payment processed
Submit an Internal Payment Request.
Create a Purchase Requisition
See the Purchase Requisition webpage.
Establish or Replenish a Petty Cash fund
Establish a Petty Cash fund.
Replenish Petty Cash.
Procure and Pay for Meals or Refreshments
Refer to the Meals or Refreshments web page.
Procure and Pay for Gifts, Awards, and Incentives
Visit Procure and Pay for Gifts, Awards, and Incentives web page.
Engage and Pay an Independent Contractor
Visit the Independent Contractor web page.
Pay an international visitor, vendor, student or other individual
Make a payment or reimbursement to a student
Visit the Upload Payment Determination Form webpage.
Pay for non-employee expenses with a P-Card
Refer to the  P-Card and non-employee expenses web page.
Pay relocation expenses for a new employee
Visit the Relocation web page.
Reimburse a Non-employee for expenses
Complete the Non-employee Expense Reimbursement Form and attach to an Invoice Payment in Bronco Hub for processing.
Submit an invoice that has a PO for payment (Okay to Pay – Standard Requisition/Purchase Order)
Submit a Purchase Order Payment Approval.