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Fringe Rates


Professional / Faculty Employees (includes benefit eligible temporary employees)
Classified Employees (includes benefit eligible temporary employees)
Classified – Facilities, Trades and Custodial Employees
Non-Benefit Eligible Temporary Employees*
Student Employees**
Variable Benefits (calculated as percent of salary)% of Salary
420500 – Life Insurance0.67%0.67%0.67%
421500 – Workers Compensation0.64%0.64%4.66%
422500 – Employer Retirement Contribution10.84%11.96%11.96%
423000 – Retirement Sick Leave0.00%0.00%0.00%
425000 – State Division of Human Resources0.65%0.65%0.65%
425500 – Unemployment Insurance0.00%0.00%0.00%
426000 – Social Security and Medicare (FICA SSDI & SSHI)
Total Variable Benefit Rate20.45%
Fixed Benefits (constant for all benefit eligible positions)Per Position
421000 – Health Insurance: Medical, Dental, Vision$14,300.00$14,300.00$14,300.00$0$0
*Some non-benefit eligible employees may have (or have had in the previous fiscal year) a work schedule that triggers Health Insurance eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. The funding source department ID(s) will be charged for these employee’s Health Insurance if coverage is elected. Additionally, employer retirement contributions may be charged for a non-benefit-eligible employee if they also have a benefit-eligible position at Boise State or another state agency. Please direct questions to HR Benefits.
**Student employees are charged variable fringe rates based on their full-time/part-time student status. Their actual Fringe rates will vary from less than 1% to over 9%. We use 4% as an average for budget purposes. Additionally, if a student’s current or previous fiscal year’s work hours trigger health insurance eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, this will result in a charge to their funding source department ID(s) if coverage is elected. Please direct questions to HR Benefits.


Professional / Faculty Employees (includes benefit eligible temporary employees)
Classified Employees (includes benefit eligible temporary employees)
Classified – Facilities, Trades and Custodial Employees
Non-Benefit Eligible Temporary Employees*
Student Employees**
Variable Benefits (calculated as percent of salary)% of Salary
420500 – Life Insurance0.67%0.67%0.67%
421500 – Workers Compensation0.71%0.71%4.66%
422500 – Employer Retirement Contribution10.84%11.96%11.96%
423000 – Retirement Sick Leave0.00%0.00%0.00%
425000 – State Division of Human Resources0.65%0.65%0.65%
425500 – Unemployment Insurance0.00%0.00%0.00%
426000 – Social Security and Medicare (FICA SSDI & SSHI)
Total Variable Benefit Rate20.52%
Fixed Benefits (constant for all benefit eligible positions)Per Position
421000 – Health Insurance: Medical, Dental, Vision$13,000.00$13,000.00$13,000.00$0$0
*Some non-benefit eligible employees may have (or have had in the previous fiscal year) a work schedule that triggers Health Insurance eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. The funding source department ID(s) will be charged for these employee’s Health Insurance if coverage is elected. Additionally, employer retirement contributions may be charged for a non-benefit-eligible employee if they also have a benefit-eligible position at Boise State or another state agency. Please direct questions to HR Benefits.
**Student employees are charged variable fringe rates based on their full-time/part-time student status. Their actual Fringe rates will vary from less than 1% to over 9%. We use 4% as an average for budget purposes. Additionally, if a student’s current or previous fiscal year’s work hours trigger health insurance eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, this will result in a charge to their funding source department ID(s) if coverage is elected. Please direct questions to HR Benefits.


Employment Dates

For information on Employment Dates, visit the Human Resources website.

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