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Alumni Profile of the Week: Luke Martello

This week we want to introduce you to Luke Martello. Luke earned his Certificate in 2018. Today Luke works as a Researcher for Rathbone Falvey Research. Below is Luke’s story.

I have recently (for the past 3 months) been working at Rathbone Falvey Research in downtown Boise. We are a small research agency right now, and most people dip their toes in all phases of research. My typical day starts with a pot a coffee and a short bike to work. I spend most hours of the day in front of the computer analyzing survey data, creating those surveys, finalizing presentations, and designing research plans (yeah, I know it seems like a lot…because it is!)

I actually got my certificate from Boise State University as an undergraduate when it was called Design Ethnography. When I was getting my B.S. in Anthropology that seemed like the appropriate step for applying my degree outside of academics. I went on to get my M.A. in Evolutionary Anthropology from WSU and when I graduated I started working right away at where I’m at currently.

My job is a little bit of market research and a little bit of UX research. It really depends on the client we are working with. Right now I am conducting usability tests on TV apps and this is where I feel most at home. I think my background in Anthropology has helped me understand where UX research derives many of its methods from (ethnography anyone?, contextual inquiry?). Because Anthropology is a people-first discipline, the end user is always on mind, so understanding the UX of a product or service is something I will always be interested in.

If you studied with Luke reach out and renew your connection. If you didn’t get to know him and learn more about his UX research journey!