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Undergraduate Research Showcase Virtual Poster Session

Welcome of the 2020 Undergraduate Research Showcase Virtual Poster Session! You can view all posters by college, by department, or by presenter.

If you have trouble accessing any of the content, please first try to contact the student author for those whose email address is listed at the end of the post. If there is no student author email listed, please email us at and we will assist you.

Now, how do you get to a poster?

  1. Feel free to browse by scrolling down and selecting a College.
  2. If you already know one of the authors or some words in the title, use the Search field in the top right of the site, and choose “Undergraduate Research Only” or view the full listing of the posters and use your browser “search” feature with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+F to search the page.
  3. If you know the poster number, use the “search by poster number” tool to quickly jump to a specific poster.
  4. You can also download the Undergraduate Research Showcase Program (PDF) – it lists all posters by number, by academic unit of the student authors, by academic unit of the research supervisors, and by author/supervisor name. Find the number of the poster you are looking for and then go to #3 above.

Drawing Winners:

  • Friday, April 24: Alessa S. [prize: Boise State sweatshirt and mug]
  • Monday, April 27: Mandy O. and Brooke-Lynn A. [prizes: Flying M Cold Drink Cup and gift cards]
  • Tuesday, April 28: Josh F. and Daniele M. [prizes: Flying Pie gift cards]
  • Wednesday, April 29: Abby P. and Madison G. [prizes: Paddles Up Poké gift cards and C+ID Swag Bags]
  • Thursday, April 30: Jasmine V., Wesley E., Robert C. and Peyton V. [prizes: Dutch Bros. travel mug and gift cards]
  • Friday, May 1: Besty R. [prizes: $100 Winco Foods gift card and C+ID Swag Bag

Enjoy the showcase!

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