Students enrolled in online/Internet courses at Boise State University may be required to take proctored examinations. A proctor is an individual who agrees to administer an examination for a student who is unable to travel to the main Boise State campus. Proctors promote academic fairness and ensure both the integrity and credibility of online courses and programs.
The course instructor, student and proctor have individual responsibilities during this process. The following guidelines apply to students who request testing outside the vicinity of the main campus. Additionally, students may be asked to provide proof of current location. Boise State reserves the right to verify a proctor’s identity, require additional proof of eligibility and deny or terminate the use of a proctor at any time.
Note: The Boise State University Student Code of Conduct policy applies to all proctoring arrangements for Boise State students regardless of location.
The Purpose Of This Page Is To Provide:
- Instructors with best practices for remote proctoring based on a review of peer institutions.
- Parties involved in the process (instructor, student, and proctor) with a clear framework for the identification and approval of a qualified proctor.
- Authentication of student identity and validation of the examination process.
Proctor Selection Requirements
Instructor Responsibility
It’s the instructor’s responsibility to communicate with students which exams require proctoring, to provide students and proctors with appropriate exam instructions. Most importantly, instructors must be available to troubleshoot concerns should they arise during the proctored exam. For additional information see the Instructor Responsibilities tab following the requirements list.
Student Responsibility
It’s the student’s responsibility to locate an eligible proctor and make appropriate arrangements prior to each examination. For additional information see the Student Responsibilities tab following the requirements list.
Proctor Responsibility
It’s the proctor’s responsibility to verify the student’s identity and ensure the testing environment is secure. In addition, a proctor must also monitor the examination. For additional information see the Proctor Responsibilities tab following the requirements list.
Proctor Eligibility
Eligible Proctors
- Member of the teaching faculty or educational administrator of a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
- Staff member at a local college and/or a professional testing center.
- Corporate educational/training officer.
- Embassy education officer.
- Military base/station education officer, commissioned officer of higher rank than student, commander or a librarian.
Ineligible Proctors
- Relatives or friends with whom you have a personal relationship outside of school or business.
- Athletic coach or member of coaching staff.
- Previous (unless meets eligibility qualifications and not a friend or relative) or current Boise State students.
- Coworkers, employers or supervisors.
- Spouse or significant other.
Location Eligibility
Eligible Locations
Exams must be administered at an educational facility or place of business where the proctor is employed. Exams are never to be proctored at a personal residence including either the student’s or proctor’s home.
Computer Usage
Electronic exams must be administered on a computer provided by the proctor.
Electronic exams are never to be administered on a student’s personal or work-related computer, laptop or other electronic device unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
Proctor-U is a virtual proctoring service that is integrated with Canvas. Students should contact their instructor to verify whether or not ProctorU is a permitted proctoring solution in the course.
Finding A Proctor For Your Online Classes
NCTA Universities
Boise State University is a member of the National College Testing Association (NCTA). This is especially noteworthy, as the NCTA promotes “professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs, including issues relating to test administration, test development, test scoring and assessment” (NCTA, 2011). As a member of the NCTA, Boise State is also a member of the NCTA Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC). Therefore, any CCTC testing facility, such as a community college or university in your area, can serve as an eligible testing venue for Boise State students.
Assistance With Locating a Proctor
If you’re outside the Boise area, and would like a Boise State Proctoring Coordinator to assist you in finding an eligible testing center or proctor, please submit the assistance request form at least 2 weeks prior to your exam.
Student Responsibilities
Before the Exam
- Review and adhere to the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct. Failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct may result in formal conduct charges.
- Review the examination dates in the course syllabus and the individual exam guidelines to determine if a proctor is required.
- Discuss the need for remote proctoring and receive approval from the instructor to have the test administered by a proctor. Review the specific requirements given by the instructor regarding the proctor and location.
- Review the Proctor Guidelines to determine who is considered an eligible proctor.
- Identify an eligible proctor and location. Confirm that the proctor will agree to the proctor responsibilities, if there are any associated fees, and that the location has the following items:
- Computer.
- Reliable high-speed Internet access.
- Ability to access the Canvas course site.
- Ability to download MP3 files, if the exam has audio components.
- Ability to download and print Adobe PDF documents.
- Access to a fax machine or document scanner.
- After the identified proctor agrees to the responsibilities, reach out to Tara Garza by submitting this form, or by email (Please allow up to 1 business day for a response.). Once you are given the “Proctor Verification Form”, fill it out and submit it to the instructor for approval two (2) weeks prior to the exam date.
- Work with the proctor to schedule a time to complete the exam. Date must be within the date range defined by the course instructor for each exam.
During the Exam
- Arrive early for the exam with the applicable testing materials (i.e., paper, writing utensils, reference sheets, calculators, books or other instructor-approved materials) and present official photo identification to the proctor. Official photo identification consists of one of the following:
- Boise State University student ID card
- State-issued driver’s license or ID card
- Passport
- Pay for all applicable proctoring fees. This may include providing an overnight shipping envelope to the proctor to ensure return of the exam to the instructor by the deadline.
- Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices. Surrender any and all unauthorized materials to the proctor. Only instructor-approved materials are allowed in the testing area.
- Thoroughly read all the exam instructions before starting the exam.
After the Exam
- Electronic exams. Fully exit the testing website and notify the proctor of completion before accessing any other area of the course website, including viewing grades. Surrender any scratch paper to the proctor.
- Paper exams. Ensure your name is listed on the exam and deliver all exam materials including any scratch paper to the proctor.