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Policies for Using The Testing Center

Instructors should review the exam administration policies and requirements below before requesting exam administration at the Boise State Testing Center. If you have any questions about the information below, please email us at

Instructor Requirements

  • Instructors must configure exam settings according to the requirements outlined by the Testing Center before the test start date.
  • Instructors must apply time extensions for students who receive this accommodation from the Educational Access Center.
  • Instructors are encouraged to monitor the registrations dashboard in Registerblast to ensure that all students sign up for appointments before the start date of the exam. A set number of appointments is provisioned for each exam, and scheduling becomes more difficult closer to the exam end date. Students are not likely to find an available seat if attempting to schedule on the last day of the exam window. The Testing Center is not able to grant extensions for students who do not register in time.
  • Instructors must relay the scheduling requirements and directions to students in a timely manner and arrange alternatives for students who have scheduling conflicts due to extracurricular activities.
  • Instructors must complete a Makeup Request Form for students with emergencies and ensure that they have access to the exam in Canvas. The form must be submitted at least two business days in advance of the agreed-upon time, and the student must arrive on time. Testing Center Makeups are intended to accommodate students with absences that comply with University Policy 3120 (University-Recognized Student Absences). It is currently left to the instructor to evaluate these situations and request makeups on a case-by-case basis. The Testing Center may contact the instructor to suggest alternatives if the number of makeup requests is unusually high based on the class size. Makeup exams should not be requested for students who fail to register in time or miss their appointments. The instructor can provide alternatives at their own discretion (such as testing during office hours). 
  • The Testing Center is not able to administer make-ups for tests that were initially delivered outside the Boise State Testing Center (e.g. in-class tests).

Exam Administration Policies

Testing Center Administration Requirements

Exam Format

The Academic Testing Center (ATC) prioritizes exam administration for instructors who are unable to deliver high-stakes exams in the classroom due to large class sizes and/or incompatible classroom environments. Exams administered at the Academic Testing Center must meet the following requirements:

  • Instructors must limit the number of Testing Center exams to 4 or less per class.
  • The exams can only be accepted in full-day increments. Exams cannot run for less than one full day.
  • The exam cannot be hosted on an external site outside of Canvas.
  • The exam must be built in Canvas’ Classic Quizzes tool.
  • The ATC is unable to administer practice tests and similar low-stakes activities as they do not require a proctored environment.
  • Exams must have a time limit of 90 minutes or less.
  • Exams must be single attempts only.

The Testing Center administers Canvas-based assessments. Currently, we are unable to administer the following types of exams:

  • Open note, open book, or open internet. If additional resources are allowed on the exam, instructors must select from the list of standardized test aides on the submission form (see Test Aides & Scratch Paper section below).
  • Exams that allow multiple attempts.
  • Exams that require students to use desktop or web-based applications outside of the LMS (such as Excel or Google Sheets).

Advanced Notice

Exam requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the exam start date. In-person administration availability will vary depending on availability. It is highly recommended to submit all exam requests for the semester at the beginning of the term.

Student Appointments

To maintain sustainable capacity levels, we offer exam administration on an appointment-only basis. Walk-ins will not be permitted for any reason. The Testing Center will work with the instructor to implement alternative exam administration for students that did not make an appointment or were not able to reschedule during the exam window.


Instructors must have tests published in Canvas in order to administer them in the Testing Center. Exam content does not need to be finalized at the time of booking. Instructors can continue to make changes to the test up to the start date.

Support & troubleshooting

Test Access Issues

If setting related issues affect students’ ability to access the test on exam day, a support staff member will attempt to resolve the problem and follow up with the instructor.

If the Exam isn’t Deployed

If the test is not published in Canvas by the starting date, check-ins are suspended until the instructor can be contacted to resolve the issue.

Exam Content Issues

In the event that students report an error on the test, proctors will relay the issue to the instructor. Students will be asked to continue working on the exam to the best of their ability.

Test-Aide Policy

Test-aide Policies

Instructors can indicate permitted test aides on each proctored test request. Please pay close attention to your selection to ensure that you’ve selected the intended test-aide. The test aides available on the submission form are:

  • Scratch Paper (1, 2, or 4 sheets)
  • Instructor Handout (On-Screen)
  • Students’ Own Calculators
  • On-Screen/ Testing Center Calculator
  • 8.5×11 Note Sheet
  • 3×5 Note Card
  • Google Translate
  • Pre-Built Molecular Models
  • Testing Center Headphones (for sound clips in exam)

Where a particular size of test aid is indicated, students are permitted to use a lesser substitute if they choose to. For example: If an 8×11 Handwritten sheet is allowed, students who decide to use a Handwritten 3×5 card are permitted to do so (but not typed).

Handling of Written Materials

All written materials used during the test (such as scratch paper and pre-approved notes) will be collected at the end of the student’s session. Instructors can indicate in the request whether they would like to have these materials shredded or sent to their department mail-stop. It is the students’ responsibility to label scratch paper and other test-aides. The Testing Center is not responsible for mislabeled or lost test aids.

Instructor Communication

Exam Changes

Date changes to an approved exam request may not be possible due to capacity levels. If you have a date change request please email A test administrator will reach out to assist with the date change or set up an alternative assessment plan.

Informing Students

As the most immediate point of contact, it falls to instructors to ensure that students are aware of the following:

  • Exam details that include dates, approved test aides, and other requirements.
  • The Testing Center has moved to an appointment only model. Walk-in appointments will not be available.

    Students that are not able to reschedule during the exam window, or missed their appointment will need to connect with their instructor for further direction.

  • A Boise State Student ID Card or a valid government Photo ID are required to check-in. Secondary forms of ID are not accepted.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to clearly label scratch paper and test aides used during the test. exam materials with their first and last name and the exam they took. Test aides must be collected at the end of each test. If students need their test-aides for use on future exams, they should make copies before taking the test