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ASBSU Sustainability Committee

The ASBSU Sustainability Committee is dedicated to bringing the ideas of passionate students to life, creating opportunities for engagement, and empowering students to make sustainable changes in the Boise State community. In past years the committee is taking on a variety of initiatives on campus such as building cross-campus partnerships with entities such as the BroncoShop, lobbying senators and state legislators with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, creating a sustainability center in the SUB (in front of New Student Programs), and writing sustainable legislation to be communicated to campus leadership. They’ve also given out free menstrual cups to students and showcased sustainable artwork in the Sustainability Center. If you would like to get involved or have a sustainability concern, email 

Projects they’ve worked on:

  • The Sustainability Center in the SUB
  • Free Menstrual Cups
  • Green Move-Out
  • Student Sustainability Showcase