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Join Student Media

Whether your hobbies include some form of media production or you are a looking for a career in one of these fields, getting involved in Student Media provides directly transferable skills to any career pathway! There are paid and volunteer opportunities throughout the year, so don’t hesitate to connect with us.

Check Out Paid Job Openings Now

Write for The Arbiter

To get involved with The Arbiter, you can volunteer, intern, enroll in the class, or apply for a paid position.

  • Volunteers are always welcome to write articles for the paper. This is a low-intensity, flexible time commitment in which students would be expected to write as many (or as few) articles as they would like.
  • Media 119/319 is the class-credit option for students to get involved. It takes place Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30-2:45, and over the course of a semester, students will learn to become professional journalists in the field.
  • Students may be eligible for course credit for an internship with The Arbiter.
  • Finally, students are encouraged to apply for paid staff positions. These applications open up mid-way through the spring semester for the next academic school year, unless an opportunity becomes available during the academic year.

Become a Radio Show Producer

To get involved with the University Pulse Radio team here at Student Media, you can volunteer, intern, or apply for a paid position.

The Pulse is always looking for new, student-produced radio shows to add to the list of programming. If you have a music show idea, a talk show idea, or just want to help host some hours on the live station, you can apply to become a producer at Applications are reviewed during the first two months of each semester (Fall: August and September, Spring: January and February). Apply today!

Take Photos and Videos

To get involved with the Digital Content team here at Student Media, you can volunteer, intern, or apply for a paid position.

  • We are always looking for volunteers to join our production team. Students will have the option to capture requested photos from on campus activities, Arbiter interviews, Pulse shows, and sporting events. This is a flexible opportunity that is great to get hands on work experience in a professional production work environment.
  • Students are always encouraged to apply for any paid staff positions. These usually open up mid-way through the spring semester, but always check handshake for any possible open work opportunities.
  • Students may be eligible for course credit for an internship with the Digital Content section, this is decided on a case by case basis and is involves a higher level of commitment than that of volunteer.

Design and Illustration Opportunities

Work, volunteer or intern here to gain experience working with a team of students working together on creating design solutions for our student-run media sources. We are looking for people who want to test their abilities out, make mistakes, improve and get more involved on campus. The design staff oversees all print and online designs for publication.

  • We are always looking for volunteers to join our design team. Students will have the opportunity to create designs to supplement Arbiter articles, promote University Pulse Radio shows, and create advertisements from clients. This is a flexible opportunity that is great to get hands on work experience in a professional production work environment.
  • Students may be eligible for course credit for an internship with the design section, this is decided on a case by case basis and is involves a higher level of commitment than that of volunteer.
  • Students are always encouraged to apply for any paid staff positions. These usually open up mid-way through the spring semester, but always check handshake for any possible open work opportunities.