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I Didn’t Know That: Bronco Shuttle Service  

B Plaza, Campus Scene, Shuttle, Brand, photo by Diego Casillas

Did you know there’s free public transportation offered on and off campus? If you’ve seen a shuttle sporting Boise State’s signature blue and orange strolling through campus, you’ve spotted the Bronco Shuttle Service.

What the shuttle is

The Bronco Shuttle, launched in 2012, is a convenient means of transportation around campus that’s completely free to students, faculty, guests, and citizens. The main goal is to provide enough sustainable transportation options so you can leave your car at home.

Where you can find it

You can look at the live map of the shuttle’s route or download the Ride Systems App to see what times the shuttle will arrive at each stop. Shuttle stops on campus are located along Ceasar Chavez lane, which follows the greenbelt, along University drive, and through downtown Boise

There are three routes:

  • Orange route for downtown Boise
  • Blue route for Boise State campus
  • Grey route travels counterclockwise downtown

When it’s on the move

Check the Bronco Shuttle page for updates on shuttle hours.

  • The blue and orange route run 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • The grey route runs 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Peak hours people ride the shuttle are between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • You can expect a roughly a 5-6 minute wait between shuttles at each stop (depending on traffic flow)

How you can use it

Taking the campus shuttle is easy. Just hop on —  you don’t even have to show your ID. Taking the shuttle reduces congestion on campus and frees you from having to search for parking.

On the back of your student ID, you’ll see your bus pass, which is a sticker with a “B” and a year below it. Valley Regional Transit (the Boise city bus system) partners with Boise State transportation so Boise State students can ride for free if they show their student ID (that’s just for the Boise city bus system). That means you can go to the airport, the mall, downtown, and as far as Caldwell for free.

Enjoy the ride!

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  • Molly


    Content Writer