During this very strange time, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with so much serious information coming out. That’s why it’s so important to remember all of the good things still happening in the world. Here’s a list of wonderful things to focus on when you just need to smile after a stressful day.
1) Tuning in to the good news
Let’s face it, checking out your news feed is not super pleasant at the moment. Not to worry, actor and director John Krasinski has started a YouTube channel to try and brighten up your day. SomeGoodNews features two videos per week which highlight only positive happenings from around the world. The videos also have celebrity cameos like Steve Carrell on the show to discuss their lovely findings of the week.
2) Our favorite shows, live!
Artists and performers around the world are coming together to bring fans some inspiration and happiness. YouTube channels like The Actor’s Fund are posting videos every day of live theater performances. If you want even more entertainment, many casts of classic and current shows are coming together again via video conference to bring you live table reads of your favorite episodes from series like Chuck, Big Mouth, Grace & Frankie, and even The Nanny!
3) Quality time with animals
Curling up with your cat or dog can be a great way to ease some stress, but what if there was a way to hang out with all kinds of animals from the comfort of your couch? There is! Zoos around the world are streaming live footage of all sorts of different animals. From lions, pandas, and elephants at the Smithsonian zoo to baboons, koalas, and penguins at the San Diego zoo. You can even check out animals from across the globe at the Melbourne zoo with animals like kangaroos, snow leopards, and giraffes. Just make sure to tune in at the right time, when the critters are awake.
4) Doing some light reading
Now is a great time to read all those books you planned to read, but never had time for. Or you can sit back and listen to other people read books to you. LeVar Burton, host of Reading Rainbow, is now reading books live on his Twitter page featuring books for adults, young adults, and kids. PBS Kids is hosting Michelle Obama reading children’s books through their Facebook live page every Monday through May 11. An Indiana University professor, Trent Deckard, has started streaming read-throughs of his favorite comic books on his Facebook page. His collection is 15,000 comics strong.
5) Getting back in the kitchen
For a lot of people, cooking and baking is a group activity. But in isolation so many regular habits look much different now. During this strange time, there are wonderful individuals out there bringing you right into their own homes. Baking with Lucy is a new Facebook live stream show broadcast every Sunday afternoon. It features Lucy, a 97 year old baker, who wants to share her love for cooking and baking with you. Tons of celebs and professional cooks are also sharing their knowledge over Instagram live. For example, you can check out Michelin star chef Massimo Bottura everyday for a new live stream of his IGTV show Kitchen Quarantine.
5 ½) Snapping a beautiful photo from home
Using Google Maps, you can virtually visit anywhere in the world with their street view function. With this tool, you can challenge yourself to take a “picture” of something beautiful no matter where you are. Just like our featured image for this post, it’s actually a screenshot! Either by phone or computer, you can screenshot a breathtaking composition worthy of social media bragging rights.