When you pay tuition and fees each semester, you’re paying for more than just your education inside the classroom. Every year in February, Boise State conducts student fee hearings to allocate funds for buildings and programs. Here’s a simple breakdown of what some of your fees pay for.
1) Building operations
We’ve got some great buildings on campus, like the Student Health Center, Student Union, Campus Recreation, and Theatre Arts stage. They’re so nice thanks to some of your student fees.
2) Student involvement
You don’t have to look for long to find a way to get involved on campus. Associated Students of Boise State (ASBSU) and the Student Involvement and Leadership Center receive student fees to fund programs, leadership training, and service opportunities.
3) Education and support
Your fees support areas that will help you find a job, learn about others, get financial help, and become an advocate, like Career Services, Student Life, Student Diversity and Inclusion, Student Connections and Support Center, Scholarships, and Alumni Activities.
4) School spirit
Broncos bleed blue and orange, inspired by the spunk of Blue Thunder Marching Band, Spirit Squad, and 18 intercollegiate athletics teams.
5) Facilities and technology
Think computer labs, networks, wireless access and the Help Desk. Your fees help fund vital technologies and also ensure that facilities are in tip-top shape, like the Student Union, residence halls, and Health and Wellness Center.