It’s really easy to talk about keeping a balanced life when you’re not in the middle of a hectic schedule. But it totally is possible to care for yourself, do well in school, and feel like you’re a part of something too. That’s why we’re here to give you an outline for things you can think about now, so that when things get a little overwhelming, you know what you need to do.
1) Know who can help you with school
There are tons of offices across campus that can help you with all of your school needs. The Educational Access Center can help you get necessary accommodations. The Writing Center, Math Learning Center, and Advising and Academic Support Center can help you with schoolwork and planning. You got this, Broncos, and everyone’s here to help you.
2) Bookmark some essential information
Boise State has tons of info you can access online. Tools like Canvas and Google Calendar are essential to keep you organized and on top of all of your due dates. But there’s also tons of info you can get right online from places like Albertsons Library. They’ve got study rooms, The Maker Lab, research databases, and so much more!
3) Be open to talking to people
It can be hard to open up when you feel like you’re in over your head. But there’s lots of other people who have been through similar situations and can offer advice when you just don’t know what to do. Reach out to friends, family, and the awesome Health Services counseling staff. They’re super good at what they do.
4) Get the fuel you need & keep your body moving
Remember the essentials list: sleep, food, and health (mental and physical). If you’re not feeling 100%, go down this list and see what you can check off, starting with a good meal. The Campus Food Pantry has options for you whenever you need it. And when I’m feeling a lot of pent up energy in my body, sometimes going for a walk, a run, a swim, or whatever else can really help me clear my head. Check out Campus Recreation for all kinds of classes you can jump in on.
5) Reach out to groups & go to events
When you’ve met those essential needs, remember you have some social needs too! There’s tons of clubs and groups on campus and LOTS of student events to go to where you can meet people and get involved.
5 ½) Remember it’s okay to make mistakes
Actually, there’s a lot of things we can only learn if we make mistakes. Sometimes, those lessons are the most valuable to us in the long run. Being perfect is impossible. So, be kind to yourself and know that no matter how this semester goes, it’s going to be okay.