Summer is a great time to build your resume with an internship or some extracurriculars. Now that things are working a bit differently, you may be left searching for a way to add those extras to your experience. Don’t worry! There’s still plenty of things you can do to grow, both personally and professionally, this summer.
1) Volunteer for City of Good
City of Good is a new program that’s helping to feed Boise. Organizations and businesses have gotten together to provide people in need with regular meals while things still feel a bit unstable. You can volunteer to help hand out food, work at the farmer’s market, and more.
2) Create a “Hometown” solution for your community
Think of a problem within your field of study that needs a solution. Come up with a Hometown Challenge project that creatively handles the issue and you can earn a $1000 scholarship for fall 2020. This is a great way to interact with your community, network, and use your skills to show how innovative you are.
3) Amp up your skills with a workshop
You don’t have to spend your summer in an actual classroom, but there are lots of short online classes that can give you a crash course in a skill of your choice. This also gives you the chance to dive more deeply into one area that interests you within your field—showing employers that you have the skills they’re looking for.
4) Listen to the experts in a podcast or book
Sometimes the best place to start, when working on yourself, is in the mind. Reading a new book on your favorite subject or listening to a podcast is a great way to get your gears turning and will likely spark inspiration for future projects or maybe ones you want to get started on right now!
5) Put your talents on display
Boosting your brain power in any of these ways is definitely a great way to spend your summer. The focus is for you to develop your skills, learn new things, and have fun while doing it. Part of that fun is putting your skills to the test. So, a video, an essay, podcast, presentation, or blog that shows off what you have learned is something concrete that you can use to tell employers how you’ve grown.
5 ½) Find the side effects of volunteering
“What does wetting your pants and volunteering have in common? Everybody sees you doing it, but only you get the warm feeling.” All jokes aside, it’s great to remember why we volunteer our time in the first place.