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5 ½ Things for the End of the Semester

Here we are, friends. The final stretch. High fives all around for (almost) making it to the end of the semester! We know there’s still a lot to get through, so we put together a few ideas to help you finish strong this semester:

1) Check in with your professors

Make sure all your grades are up to date and you’re not missing any quizzes or assignments. Let them know if you are struggling with any material. And if you’re not sure, ask them what to expect for your finals so you know how to prepare.

2) Prep for finals

Find out what your finals will cover, and start preparing now. The more comfortable you are with the material, the smoother your finals will go.

3) Get a study buddy or two

Reach out to a classmate or two and set up some times to meet and help each other finish the semester strong. Grab a study room in the library, a table in the SUB, or go virtual and jump on a Zoom call. However you make it work, cheer each other on through these last couple weeks.

4) Use Boise State’s academic resources

If you haven’t already checked them out this semester, now’s the time to use some of the many academic support services on campus. The Math Learning Center and the Writing Center are just a couple. Pick a class you need some help with, and you’ll surely be able to find some learning assistants or other resources to help you.

5) Have some fun

It’s the final push and there’s a lot to do. But don’t forget to take care of yourself, get some fresh air, get plenty of sleep, and have some fun along the way. Pet a therapy dog in the Atrium for Finals Relief or get outside! Just take some time to do something for yourself.

1/2) Add a soundtrack

Every occasion needs a soundtrack, right? Here are a few things Broncos are listening to to get through the semester. And tune into the Get a (Student) Life Podcast.

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