Whether you’re actively looking for a job or just curious about the possibilities for your future, a first-year student or a sixth-year student, the Boise State Career and Graduate School Fair is for you. Mark your calendars: it’s this Wednesday, February 14, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Student Union Jordan Ballroom. Make it great with these tips:
1) Do some research
Find out who will be there and decide who you want to talk to. Hint: Even if a company isn’t recruiting for your major right now, you can – and should – still talk to them. If you’re interested in the company, ask who you can talk to about opportunities in your area of interest.

2) Come with questions and your resume

So, you’ve done your research. You know who you want to talk to and what they do. Now impress them with some premeditated questions that show your interest. Then think about what you want this company to know about you. Be prepared to show your resume – customized for the company you’re interested in – and talk about projects you’ve done and experiences you’ve had to back it up. Don’t have a resume? Check out these tools to get started.
3) Find a Career Fair pop-up booth to get prepped
Talk to career counselors about resume writing, standing out to employers and general tips and tricks. Check the schedule to see when the pop-ups will be in Albertsons Library.

4) Dress for success

Visit the Career Closet in MBEB and grab some free professional attire.
5) Since you’ll be all dressed up… get a free professional photo taken while you’re there
Before – or after – you talk to employers, head down the hall to the Bishop Barnwell room for your photo. Your LinkedIn profile will never look better!
1/2) And don’t stress.
Talking to employers will be way easier than this. Fast Comedy presents: Catch-22 Interview. Captions provided and a transcript is available at YouTube: This is the worst job interview.