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5 ½ Things About Talking About Your Summer Job On Your Resume

Student sitting outside typing on a laptop

Campus scenes, Fall, Maria Ortega, undecided freshman from Colombia, Allison Corona photo.

Summer is a great time to gain experience and build your resume. You learn skills in every job even if it’s a “just for fun” summer job. We’re here to help you hone in on what you’ve gained from your summer job so your resume can shine. We’ve already told you how you can talk about your summer job on your resume, but it’s so important we want to give you more tools and information. Here are 5 ½ things to keep in mind.

1)  Describe your experience

This doesn’t mean just jobs. Internships, volunteering, service learning, and leadership positions count too. As you gain work experience, jot them down in a working resume. Be specific and concise about the tasks you performed and how they furthered your professional skills.

2)  Simplify your skills

Include transferable and technical skills that will make you stand out among other resumes. Don’t just describe what you did at your job. Describe how you did your job with the skills you developed. If you worked at a coffee stand in the summer, instead of saying “I made coffee” say “I strengthened customer service skills.”

3)   Keep updating your resume

Update your resume when you’ve been at a job long enough to know what helpful skills you’ve learned. It never hurts to change up your resume based on the job you’re applying for. This will come in handy when you sit down for your next interview.

4)  Follow your interests

Your resume is a document that reflects you. In the same way, have your job reflect your interests. You can do this by asking your employer if there are projects you can take on that fuel what you’re passionate about and will help you develop skills related to your study area. This will impress your employer and get you ahead in gaining career experience.

5)  Recognize your accomplishments

Don’t dismiss your summer job as if you haven’t accomplished anything through it. Did you have a leadership role? Were you trusted with more responsibilities? Did you implement change or speak up about ideas? All these things are considered accomplishments that you can highlight on your resume and be proud of yourself for.

5 ½) Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Career Services is there to help you put together resumes and cover letters. Check out their online resume resources or make an appointment for personalized 1 on 1 help. Follow @boisestatecareerservices and @boisestatestudentlife for more resources!

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