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5 ½ Things About Snacks That Can Help Make Finals Week Easier

Boise State student studying the Student Union Building near a window with snow outside
Campus scenes, snow, Allison Corona photo.

Oh, finals week. One of the most anticipated (and dreaded) weeks of the entire academic year. Over the next few days, many of us will find ourselves crammed in cold dorms, apartments, or houses studying for our final exams. But no matter how you feel about this week, in a few short days it’ll all be over, and we will be cruising into winter break. Until then, here are some snacks that can help make this last stretch a little sweeter.

1) Coffee

We’d be doing something wrong if we didn’t mention one of the top finals week survival items: coffee. Whether you make your own at home, visit Starbucks in the Student Union Building, or Poppyseed Café over in the Micron Business and Economics Building, there’s bound to be a good spot to get your caffeine fix within walking distance of your fav study spot. If you want to venture off campus, Dawson Taylor and Form and Function are great local options too.

2) Apples and peanut butter

A simple snack, packed full of protein requiring little work to prepare is apples and peanut butter — two things many of us already have laying around our dorm or apartment. This is a great, quick recipe that can leave you full and focused and ready to head back to the books in no time!

3) Turkey, cheese, and crackers

A crunchier snack may be a variation of turkey (or any meat, really), cheese, and crackers. You can get all of these ingredients nearby at Albertsons, Winco, or Trader Joes (they have the most unique flavors) and bring them home to snack on together at your convenience. If you want an even quicker option, you can pick up a pre-packaged option at our The Market stations across campus.

4) Quesadillas and chips

This is a super filling and easy to cook “meal”, even if you’re in a dorm. It’s simple. Throw some cheese on some tortillas and flick on the microwave. For a salty flare, add some tortilla chips and salsa or avocado. You can honestly never go wrong with this mouth-watering trifecta.

5) A treat

It’s finals week! The end of the semester! The end of the year! No one is going to blame you for treating yourself to something sweet. Chip or Crumbl Cookies are always delicious and Stella’s or The STIL are great ice cream shops to satisfy your sweet tooth. Or even make an evening of it and treat you and your friends to dessert at one of the many (phenomenal) restaurants down on 8th and Front Street.

5 ½) Water

Okay, okay. Maybe this isn’t necessarily a “snack”, but water is definitely something you should be thinking about, especially during finals week. Did you know that staying well hydrated can improve your overall grades by up to 10%? The more you know.

Meme of Patrick from 'Spongebob' asking about how much water someone has drank

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