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5 ½ Things About Safety on Campus

Essential workers, campus scenes, April 2020, photo Patrick Sweeney

When thinking about the things people love about Boise, the fact that it’s statistically one of the safest cities in the world always seems to be near the top of the list. That being said, it’s always important to think about safety in the city and on campus where we live, learn and connect. We’ve put together 5 ½ things that are essential for you to know about the safety of your campus.

2) We have a large on-campus safety team

On campus, we not only have an on-campus security team, but also a substation of the Boise Police Department. Needless to say, there are lots of people around whose full-time job is to make sure everything around our beautiful campus is running smoothly.

2) Someone is always looking out for you

Anyone who’s spent any time walking around campus may have seen our blue emergency poles dotted around walkways and buildings. These poles are designed with fully-equipped surveillance cameras and a landline phone so if you’re feeling unsafe for any reason — day or night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week — you can be instantly connected with someone in security teams. Always know that no matter where you are on campus, someone has your back!

3) Don’t be afraid to reach out

If you need to reach out for any safety-related reasons, an emergency situation is always best served by 911. For on-campus, non-emergency reasons, the Department of Public Safety can be reached at (208) 426-6911. (Side note, they were super helpful when I called about my keys I misplaced a few months ago!)

4) Use the silent witness form

If there’s any reason you want to reach out to campus security while staying anonymous, there’s a convenient silent witness form you can complete online. This is always a good thing to keep in the back of your mind, just in case.

5) Check out the Rave Guardian app

In 2022, the Department of Public Safety rolled out collaboration with the Rave Guardian app. While also being a great resource to quickly contact emergency services, it also serves as a way to have the public safety team keep track of you if you’re making a long walk alone or would just feel safer with someone knowing where you are. The Arbiter published a helpful article detailing how it all works.

5 1/2) Fun fact: lock your bike!

If you didn’t know, the most popular crime by far in the city limits of Boise is bike theft. Honestly, compared to other places, this is far from the worst crime we could have topping the list, but it’s a good reminder to always make sure you lock your bike properly. If you have questions or want to purchase a new lock (or even buy or rent a bike), you can always visit the Cycle Learning Center.

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