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Boise State football vs. Washington State. John Kelly photo

I was one of those people that never envisioned myself in Greek life. Not to say there was anything wrong with it, I just didn’t think that it was for me. But here I am now, 3 years into college and 2 years exactly from when I rushed my fraternity in the spring of 2020. Needless to say, I ate my own words. Being in a fraternity helped me meet so many awesome people, it’s pushed me academically, I’m part of a community that gives back, and so much more. So, for those who were like me — on the fence about rushing — keep reading for 5 ½ things about Greek life to help you decide if it may be something that’s up your alley.

1) You’re going to meet awesome people

By far the best part that’s come out of my involvement in Greek life, is the friendships that have been fostered. Things like chapter or philanthropy events give you lots of time to form connections within your organization and just generally cast yourself a wider social net. There are many people I’ve met through Greek life that I would have never met otherwise. Some have even become best friends and roommates who I see myself being friends with long after our time together as Broncos.

2) It’ll push you to be your best in school

Many Greek organizations have academic standards for their members, which can actually lead to some great recipes for success. Many members form study groups based on their year in school, major, or specific classes. It’s another great way to find people with the same academic aspirations and work together to achieve those goals!

3) You’ll be a part of a community that gives back

Many feel a great sense of community within their Greek organization and the community as a whole. It’s common to see people you know around campus or around Boise — especially in the fall and spring when many philanthropy events (like tabling out in the quad) are taking place — and that can give you a feeling of greater connection to both the Boise State and Boise community in general. At the very least you’ll find yourself saying, “Hey! What’s up?” a few more times while walking between classes.

4) You’ll learn leadership skills to help in your career

Most groups have structure that allows students to take part in leadership positions within their organization, and other “real-world” positions to hone your professional skills. Basically all students end up using the things they learned in Greek life (like public speaking, general organization and planning, or interpersonal abilities) as jumping off points for finding jobs post-graduation.

5) You’ll get connected with people across the country — and the world!

Being involved in Greek life oftentimes means being connected with members of your organization across the country and the world. These connections can be invaluable in future careers, networking, and shared brother or sisterhood going through different stages of life. It goes to show that the networking benefits can go beyond our campus community.

5 ½)  Most importantly, you’ll have fun

For me, rushing a Greek organization was way out of my comfort zone. But what has truly made me feel like it was the right choice for me, was how much fun I feel like I’ve had with my organization. Whether it be playing sports together in the rec, tabling out in the quad for philanthropy, formals, or even just hanging out with new friends, it’s proven to be one of the best things that I’ve committed to in college. Greek life isn’t for everyone, but if it’s something you’re curious about, I’d definitely recommend at least checking it all out!

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