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5 1/2 Essential Digital Tools for a New Semester

Computer Science, marketing shoot, CS Building, photo Patrick Sweeney

Digital tools and apps aren’t just for getting school work done and staying organized (although those are pretty important things too). We’ve got some tools for you to use so you can be informed about what’s happening on campus, eat at the best spots, easily check your grades, and event get around campus quickly.


1) Student Life website and Instagram

The Student Life site is a one-stop-shop of information. Find helpful resources, events, and articles highlighting cool stuff happening at Boise State. We’ve also got an Instagram account! And, okay, even though we want you to follow us on the gram, there’s also tons of awesome other Boise State accounts on Instagram to keep you up-to-date too.


2) Boise State mobile app

Create a news feed with items that are important to you. Find events on campus, check grades, register for classes and access your Bronco card. Receive notifications when your grades are posted. Download it in your app store. It’s absolutely essential.


3) Boise State shuttle tracker

Sometimes walking around campus, riding your bike, or hopping on a scooter is good enough. But for the times you need a lift the Boise State shuttle gets you around campus and can even take you downtown. The shuttle tracker tells you exactly where the shuttles are (in real-time).


4) Safety reporting

Everyone should feel safe on our campus. So, if you see something that worries you, like discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, use the report concerns page. You can also file a CARE report for the safety and well-being of a fellow Bronco student.


5) Boost app

Tired of waiting in lines for food? Download the Boost app, select what you want, when you want it, put in any substitutions you need, and you’re done. It’ll let you know when to come pick up your food. You also don’t need a meal plan or dining dollars in order to use it.


5 1/2) Tools to help you chill

Listen to some music on Spotify in a chill spot on campus. Pull up a book on your Kindle. Download a mindfulness app (like Calm) when you need to take a deep breath and release some stress. Sometimes it’s nice to be transported away for a second.

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