There’s all this pressure to have things figured out when you’re in college. But we know these kinds of things take time. And if you want to end up with a career that will potentially last a lifetime, you’ll want to be really sure it’s the right one. So, here are our tips for how to do just that.
1)Take a free career assessment
Pathway U will help you figure out how your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences fit with different career paths. Log in with your Boise State credentials to take it online at any time.
2) Get expert advice
Did you know that Boise State has career counselors who specialize in helping you choose a career path? They can also help you with creating your career plan and getting experience. They’re available all summer and offer remote appointments so you can do it from wherever you are.
3) Test the waters
Every experience you have will teach you more about your interests and what kinds of careers will be a good fit. It’s hard to make a good career decision without having a lot of different experiences first. We’re not just talking about internships. Look for part-time jobs, student organizations, volunteer work, or any other experiences that will let you try out new things you think you might be interested in.
4) Talk to alumni about their careers
One of the best ways to learn more about a career you’re considering is to talk to people currently working in those jobs. There’s a whole network of Boise State alumni on BroncoLink who are excited to answer your questions about their career. Sign in and search for alumni with similar interests to yours. Nervous about reaching out? Use this informational interviewing tip list and guide to feel confident that you know exactly what to do.
5) It’s ok to not have all the answers
It can feel like there’s a lot of pressure to make a decision. Your interests will change and evolve throughout your college experience, and you don’t need to know today exactly what kind of job you want after graduation. BUT, it’s important to make sure you’re headed in a general direction that’s a good fit for you so that it doesn’t take you longer to finish your degree, and so you’ll be well qualified for jobs when you graduate. By taking the steps above, you can feel confident you’ll end up on the right track.
5 1/2 ) Remember it’s okay to have fun!
Picking just one focus for a career path is a lot to think about, we know. And sometimes it can even feel kind of like a serious or stuffy thing to talk about. So, while you’re researching, interviewing, interning, and more — don’t forget to have fun. Do things that make you happy. Hey, they always say if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life, right?