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5 ½ Places to Chill

Students studying on campus

Finding your “special” place on campus to study means knowing what you need. Do you like hustle and bustle, or peace and quiet? Do you study alone, or with others? If dead week has you feeling like Goldilocks in search of the perfect place to sleep (or in this case, study) here are some places to start.

1) Quiet, reservable rooms

You can reserve a room for yourself and/or your study group in several buildings around campus.

Students studying in front of large windows in the Interactive Learning Center

2) Open lounges

Take your pick. This could be a good time to explore buildings you’ve never stepped inside. All the residence halls have great lobbies, and most buildings have areas on the first floor with comfy furniture and ringside seats for some interesting people watching. And the second floor of the SUB is like one big open lounge.

3) Nooks and crannies

Campus is full of little corners off the beaten track. Honestly, check out the top floors of buildings. The higher you go, the quieter it gets. For instance, check out the 3rd floor of the SUB near the beehives. (Didn’t know we had beehives? Where have you been?)

4) Serene spaces ahhhhhh…..

When you need a minute to clear your head and focus on something other than your notes, the Oasis Room in Health Services has biofeedback, relaxation audios, a light box to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and an automated massage chair.

5) Food and drink areas

If your brain works better with adequate fuel, like caffeine and sugar, there are nine spots on campus where you can recharge while you study. Here’s the munchie map.

½) Saunas in the Rec