Let’s face it, finals week can be stressful. You’re having late nights, cram sessions and you’re probably scrambling to get last minute things done before a nice break awaits you. It’s easy to get caught up in the madness of finals week but don’t forget to take the time to chill and check out these finals relief activities on campus.
1) Library cram snacks and coffee

Power-up with snacks and coffee provided by ASBSU in the Albertsons Library December 15 – 19 beginning at 9 p.m.
2) Free massages

Feel the stress leave your body during a free 10-minute massage. Then grab some hot cocoa and a snack to go. Located in the Student Union Atrium. December 16 – 19 from 11 a.m – 2 p.m.
3) Puppy love therapy

Get some puppy love from canine members of local therapy and service dog programs. Some puppy lovin’ will definitely put you in a happier mood. Located in the Student Union Atrium December 16 – December 19 from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.
4) Bowling and billiards

Come enjoy free bowling and billiards to celebrate finals coming to an end. Located in the Student Union Games Center December 16 – 20 all day.
5) Celebration station
Come by the celebration station in the Student Union Atrium and pick up a prize once all your finals are finished. December 16 – 19 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
5 ½) Finished!