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5 1/2 Better Ways to Study

Group of students study together

It’s that time of the semester when you’re probably tired of studying and just want to be done with your classes. Or you may be thinking about revamping your study time to get ready for finals week, which is right around the corner. Everyone learns differently, so we compiled a list of more effective ways to study based on your learning style. Happy studying!

1) Make your notes visually appealing

This is for you, visual learners. If you love the aesthetic of colorful notes, annotate your reading material and notes with colored highlighters and have a specific color for each chapter, subject, term, etc. Or try turning the material you’re learning into an infographic or slideshow. It may take more time, but you’ll be more likely to remember the information. I learned in a class that 50% of your processing is visual, so what your notes look like matters.

2) Record yourself reading material

If the easiest way for you to learn is by hearing information, the best thing you can do is to keep listening. Use a recording app on your phone to record yourself reading your study material (or your professor’s lectures if they’re okay with that) so you can play it whenever and wherever. Listen to it at the store, while you’re cleaning, in the car, or walking to class. Even if you’re multitasking while you listen, you’ll still retain what you’re hearing over time.

3) Study while exercising

If you can’t sit still long enough to get all your studying in, you may be a kinesthetic learner and just need to move. You can easily station yourself on a recumbent bike, elliptical or stairmaster and go over your study material. This will help you focus and get your workout in. You’re even more likely to retain what you’re reading if you are moving your body while your brain is processing the information.

4) Write your study material as a short story or song

This one is more creative. If you learn best through strictly reading and writing, spice up your study material and turn it into a story instead of just writing the same material over and over. Use keywords to help you remember terms and create a plot that will be easy to remember when it comes time to take your test. For example, if your term is “apple” you can create a short story or song that begins with all those same letters.

5) Reserve a group study room in Albertsons Library

Studying with a group can be more fun and motivating than getting yourself to sit down and study. You can meet up to quiz each other or present what you’re learning to the group to test your knowledge. You and your friends can reserve a study room in Albertsons library, in the Micron Business and Economics Building (MBEB), or Interactive Learning Center (ILC). Reserving a room with a specific time and day keeps you accountable for getting that studying done and not putting it off any longer.

5 ½) Treat yourself with snacks

All that studying makes you hungry and your brain needs food for energy and focus. Take a look at the unofficial guide to eating on campus for ideas on where to eat. Don’t forget, the campus food pantry is available to all students so no one goes without something to eat.

Koala with leaves hanging from mouth accompanied by text reading "did someone say food?"

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