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How to Help Yourself

Every stalker is different, so there is no single solution. However, there are some general guidelines:


  • Trust your instincts about a situation and take threats seriously.
  • Take precautions to ensure your safety.
  • Cut off contact with the stalker, including refraining from emails, text messages, phone calls and third-party communication—even if it seems like talking to them might be a way to convince the stalker to stop. Continued contact may encourage a stalker to keep stalking.
  • Check out a stalking resource bag from the Student Connections and Support Center to help document the stalker’s actions. Stalking is sometimes viewed as a series of non-criminal offenses which collectively constitutes a crime. For this reason, it is important to document and report all of the stalker’s harassing actions or attempts to contact or monitor you. This includes any voicemails, emails, text messages, letters, gifts, sightings or attempts to contact or give messages to you through another person.
  • Inform roommates, co-workers or supervisors of the situation so they may be supportive and help keep you safe by notifying you or the police if the stalker contacts them.
  • Consider reporting to the police.
  • Access a safety escort while on campus. Safety escorts are available 24-7, every day of the year, through Campus Security and Police Services (208) 426-6911, and will walk or drive you to and from any location on campus, including to your car, to your class, campus job site, etc. There is no cost for this service, and it is open to all campus members