Metric 1
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Metric 4
[1] Boise State conducts the National College Health Assessment through the American College Health Association. The survey is conducted on a regular cycle, typically every two years. The survey instrument changed in 2019-20, so prior comparisons are not available. Response rates were 14.9% in FY20 (MoE +/- 3.5%) and 12.0% in FY22 (MoE +/- 3.9%).
[2] Boise State conducts the National Faculty & Staff Health Assessment through the American College Health. The survey cycle is being adjusted in FY23 and the survey will resume in FY24The response rates were as follows: 2021 was 24.5% (MoE +/- 3%); 2019 was 28.4% (MoE +/- 3%).
[3] WICHE average from Table 1a of annual Tuition and Fees report. We use the unweighted average without California. A typical report can be found at
[4] Additional information on the STARS program may be found at