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Goal 1 – Improve Educational Access and Student Success

Metric 1

Unduplicated number of graduates (distinct by award level) [1]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 N/A
FY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark
Undergraduate Certificate413515629590625700
Graduate Certificate184166174130150180
Education Specialist242316152025
Total Distinct Graduates4,7605,1265,3135,2315,5126,204

Metric 2

First year retention rate [2]Fall 2019 CohortFall 2020 CohortFall 2021 CohortFall 2022 CohortFall 2023 Cohort N/AFall 2024 Cohort BenchmarkFall 2028 Cohort Benchmark
Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen retained77.8%76.0%79.2%77.8%79.5%81.0%
Percent full-time transfers retained or graduated78.4%77.8%78.4%78.2%79.0%80.0%

Metric 3

4-Year Graduation Rate [3]Fall 2016 CohortFall 2017 CohortFall 2018 CohortFall 2019 CohortFall 2020 Cohort N/AFall 2021 Cohort BenchmarkFall 2025 Cohort Benchmark
% of first-time, full-time freshmen who graduated38.2%39.7%41.4%42.7%44.0%47.0%
% of full-time transfers who graduated54.2%57.7%57.6%61.5%63.0%65.0%

Metric 4

6-Year Graduation Rate [4]Fall 2014 CohortFall 2015 CohortFall 2016 CohortFall 2017 CohortFall 2018 Cohort N/AFall 2019 Cohort BenchmarkFall 2023 Cohort Benchmark
% of first-time, full-time freshmen who graduated54.1%53.0%59.1%61.2%62.0%65.1%
% of full-time transfers who graduated56.9%59.7%60.4%63.2%64.0%66.0%

Metric 5

Gateway math success of new degree-seeking freshmen [5]FY20 (FA18 Cohort)FY21 (FA19 Cohort)FY22 (FA20 Cohort)FY23 (FA21 Cohort)FY24 (FA22 Cohort) N/AFall 2023 Cohort BenchmarkFall 2027 Cohort Benchmark
% completed within two years86.8%85.9%85.7%85.4%85.0%87.0%

Metric 6

Progress indicated by credits per year [6]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 N/AFY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark
% of undergraduate degree seeking students with 30 or more credits per year28.7%28.3%27.9%29.6%30.0%31.0%

Metric 7

Success in credit-bearing course (gateway) after remedial course [7]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 N/AFY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark

Metric 8

Degrees and certificates awarded [8]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024 N/A
FY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark
Undergraduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate189170185145158189
Education Specialist242316152025

Metric 9

Enrollment in programs delivered online [9]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024FY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark

Metric 10

Post-graduation outcomes [10]FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023 FY 2024 N/AFY 2025 BenchmarkFY 2029 Benchmark
Percent of graduates with a primary activity after graduation of working full- or part-time for a business/organization or themselves, furthering their education, or serving the military or service organization
Undergraduate degree completers84%82%79%77%82%85%
Graduate degree completers90%89%86%85%88%90%
Percent of graduates whose full-time work is related to the degree received
Undergraduate degree completers78%82%83%83%83%85%
Graduate degree completers94%94%95%94%95%97%
Percent of graduates whose full-time work is related to their career goals
Undergraduate degree comleters83%84%86%87%85%87%
Graduate degree completers95%97%96%96%97%98%
Percent of graduates working in Idaho of those working in the United States
Undergraduate degree completers71%70%71%71%72%75%
Graduate degree completers51%55%57%59%60%63%

[1] SBOE required metric: timely degree completion. Distinct graduates by award level per year (summer, fall, and spring terms) as reported to IPEDS. Note that these totals cannot be summed to get the overall distinct graduate count due to some students earning more than one award (e.g., graduate certificate and a master’s) in the same year.

[2] SBOE required metric: Retention measured as the percent of a cohort returning to enroll the subsequent year. Transfer retention reflect the percent of the full-time baccalaureate-seeking transfer cohort that returned to enroll the following year or graduated. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) 2020 Standard 1.D.2 asks student achievement data to be disaggregated to measure and close equity gaps.

[3] SBOE required metric: guided pathways.  % of first-time, full-time freshman graduating within 100% of time. NWCCU 2020 Standard 1.D.2 asks student achievement data to be disaggregated to measure and close equity gaps.

[4] SBOE required metric: timely degree completion. % of first-time, full-time freshman graduating within 150% of time. NWCCU 2020 Standard 1.D.2 asks student achievement data to be disaggregated to measure and close equity gaps.

[5] SBOE required metric: math pathways. Based on cohorts of incoming first-time bachelor degree seeking students (full- plus part-time) who complete a gateway course or higher within two years (e.g., students who entered in fall 2017 and completed a gateway math or higher by the end of summer 2019 are reported for FY19, etc.).

[6] SBOE required metric: timely degree completion. Percent of undergraduate, degree-seeking students completing 30 or more credits across one year (defined as summer, fall, and spring terms). Based on end-of-term data. Degree-seeking status is determined as of fall semester unless the student was not enrolled in fall, in which case summer is used; spring term is used for those students enrolled only for the spring term. Excludes students who earned degrees during the reported year and who did not reach the 30-credit threshold. Includes students meeting the criteria regardless of full- or part-time status or the number of terms enrolled in that year. Students enrolled part-time or for a partial year, especially for only one term, would not be expected to complete 30 credits; thus, the denominator may be inflated resulting in a lower percentage reported.

[7] SBOE required metric: reform remediation. Percent of undergraduate, degree-seeking students who took a remedial course and completed with a C- or above a subsequent credit-bearing gateway course (Math 123 or above, English 101P or above) within one year of taking the remedial course (e.g., students who took remedial course in fall 2018 and completed a subsequent course by the end of fall 2019).

[8] SBOE required metric: degree completion. Reflects the number of awards by level (first plus second major as reported to IPEDS). This is greater than the number of graduating students because some graduating students received multiple awards.

[9] Indicates the number of officially enrolled students in a major or certificate that is delivered online.

[10] Post-graduation outcomes are from our annual Graduating Student Survey (GSS) plus the Follow-up Survey of non-respondents six months after graduation. The overall knowledge rates across the two surveys were as follows: 36% (+/-2% MoE) in FY19; 27% (+/- 2.3% MoE) in FY20; 37% (+/-1.8% MoE) in FY21; and 35% (+/-1.9% MoE). Note that only the Follow-up Survey was conducted with FY20 graduates due to disruptions of the global pandemic in spring 2020.