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Faculty Research

The School of Public Service is proud to support our innovative faculty researchers.

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Meierotto and Som Castellano discuss conditions facing Idaho farmworkers

Lisa Meierotto, associate professor in the School of Public Service, and Rebecca Som Castellano, professor in the School of the Environment, were recently interviewed about conditions facing Idaho farmworkers. The article explains new federal labor rules intended to protect farmworkers by improving safety and working conditions, and how Idaho’s Attorney General, along with 16 other states, recently halted the implementation of these rules through a lawsuit.

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Idaho Policy Institute awarded $1 million for U.S. Treasury grant evaluation

Boise State University’s Idaho Policy Institute (IPI) was selected as the evaluator of a $6.6 million grant from the United States Treasury’s Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act (SIPPRA) program, which will result in a $1 million award for the university. The grant was awarded to the City of Boise and will be used to bolster access to housing in the Boise community, through the building of 143 new housing units for citizens overcoming housing instability. The project is called the Permanent Supportive Housing Pipeline, and the evaluation marks the largest sponsored project award in IPI’s history.

Idaho Policy Institute team
Idaho Policy Institute team

Reeder, Thompson and Wing present at leadership conference

Last month, Brian Thompson and Heidi Reeder presented at the Beacon Leadership Conference, along with past student and Boise State employee, Eliseo Ché Wing. Their session, “Leadership in Action: Cultivating Authentic Relationships,” was aimed at the approximately 400 student attendees from Idaho and Utah.

Reeder and Thompson are both professors in the leadership certificate programs at Boise State.

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Join us on February 28, 2025 for the SPS Research Showcase, where faculty from the School of Public Service will be presenting their research.

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By the numbers


awarded in grant funding for FY24


article reads in The Conversation in FY24


faculty highlights in Boise State News in FY24

Research Committee

The goal of the SPS Research Committee is to support and foster research across the School of Public Service through research grants, events, and graduate assistantships. The Committee is composed of faculty from across the School of Public Service and is chaired by Libby Lunstrum, SPS Research Director. Questions can be sent to

Visit the Research Committee website to learn more