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Problem Solving

SPS IS the School of Problem Solving

SPS is The School of Public Service. But we’re also the School of Problem Solving. We’re excited to share just a few of the ways our students and faculty are tackling real-world problems.

  • Surveys

    SPS Surveys

    Our surveys provide accurate information needed by Idaho’s leaders and decision makers. Surveys include the Idaho Public Policy Survey and the Treasure Valley Survey

    Our surveys provide accurate information needed by Idaho’s leaders and decision makers. Surveys include the Idaho Public Policy Survey and the Treasure Valley Survey

  • Negotiation and Mediation

    Conflict Management

    Our Conflict Management certificates provide students with skills in conflict management, negotiation and mediation.

    Our Conflict Management certificates provide students with skills in conflict management, negotiation and mediation.

  • Energy Conference

    Energy Policy Institute

    Our Energy Policy Institute is hosting the Energy Policy Conference which explores topics including wildfires and resilience in the power sector.

    Our Energy Policy Institute is hosting the Energy Policy Conference which explores topics including wildfires and resilience in the power sector.

  • COVID Dashboard

    Idaho Policy Institute

    Our Idaho Policy Institute created a COVID-19 Dashboard to track campus and county COVID cases

    Our Idaho Policy Institute created a COVID-19 Dashboard to track campus and county COVID cases

  • Leadership Certificates

    Our Leadership Certificate Programs teach students to work effectively with others and solve problems while making a difference in their field or community.

    Our Leadership Certificate Programs teach students to work effectively with others and solve problems while making a difference in their field or community.

  • Urban Studies and Community Development

    Experiential learning initiatives in Urban Studies and Community Development are advancing urban sustainability in the Treasure Valley.

    Experiential learning initiatives in Urban Studies and Community Development are advancing urban sustainability in the Treasure Valley.

  • Andrus Center for Public Policy

    Our Andrus Center tackles challenges related to the environmental resources, education funding, and cultivating leadership from all segments of society.

    Our Andrus Center tackles challenges related to the environmental resources, education funding, and cultivating leadership from all segments of society.

  • Salmon, Energy, Agriculture, and Community

    Our Andrus Center hosted the groundbreaking conference “Salmon, Energy, Agriculture, and Community: Can We Come Together?”

    Our Andrus Center hosted the groundbreaking conference “Salmon, Energy, Agriculture, and Community: Can We Come Together?”

  • Women and Leadership Conference

    Our Andrus Center address the need for more women in leadership by hosting the annual Women and Leadership Conference

    Our Andrus Center address the need for more women in leadership by hosting the annual Women and Leadership Conference

  • Frank Church Scholars

    Our Frank Church Institute hosts the “Fridays with Frank” series on democracy and its challenges.

    Our Frank Church Institute hosts the “Fridays with Frank” series on democracy and its challenges.

  • NEW Leadership

    Our NEW Leadership program trains future leaders and helps address the under-representation of women in American politics.

    Our NEW Leadership program trains future leaders and helps address the under-representation of women in American politics.

  • Marilyn Shuler Human Rights Initiative

    Our Marilyn Shuler Human Rights Initiative helps train students to integrate human rights education and advocacy into their studies.

    Our Marilyn Shuler Human Rights Initiative helps train students to integrate human rights education and advocacy into their studies.

  • Conflict Management Resource Center

    Our Conflict Management Resource Center assists students in positively addressing conflicts on campus.

    Our Conflict Management Resource Center assists students in positively addressing conflicts on campus.

  • Working Lands Field School

    Our Environmental Studies program offers hand-on learning including our Working Lands Field School which preserves knowledge about rural land management.

    Our Environmental Studies program offers hand-on learning including our Working Lands Field School which preserves knowledge about rural land management.

  • Idaho Crime Victim Survey

    Our Criminal Justice Program’s Idaho Crime Victim Survey explores ways to improve services to victims of crime in Idaho.

    Our Criminal Justice Program’s Idaho Crime Victim Survey explores ways to improve services to victims of crime in Idaho.

  • Power Talks

    Our Energy Policy Institute hosts Power Talks, a discussion series relating to energy decision-making and policy.

    Our Energy Policy Institute hosts Power Talks, a discussion series relating to energy decision-making and policy.

  • Global Studies

    Our Global Studies program students learn the skills necessary to be responsive to a changing global environment as well as developing the skills to help lead change.

    Our Global Studies program students learn the skills necessary to be responsive to a changing global environment as well as developing the skills to help lead change.

  • Army ROTC

    Our Bronco Battalion trains outstanding young men and women to serve as Army officers and leaders, giving them tools for a lifetime of national service.

    Our Bronco Battalion trains outstanding young men and women to serve as Army officers and leaders, giving them tools for a lifetime of national service.

  • Energy Policy Institute

    Our Energy Policy Institute examines problems including wildfires, energy jobs, Cyber-security for critical energy systems, and EV adoption.

    Our Energy Policy Institute examines problems including wildfires, energy jobs, Cyber-security for critical energy systems, and EV adoption.

  • Political Science

    Our Political Science program prepares students for careers as teachers, lawyers, reporters, campaign managers or elected officials.

    Our Political Science program prepares students for careers as teachers, lawyers, reporters, campaign managers or elected officials.

  • Nonprofit Administration

    Our MPA program offers a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Administration, helping train leaders who serve our communities.

    Our MPA program offers a graduate certificate in Nonprofit Administration, helping train leaders who serve our communities.

  • Environmental Governance

    Our MPA program offers a graduate certificate in Environmental Governance, training leaders who tackle environmental governance challenges.

    Our MPA program offers a graduate certificate in Environmental Governance, training leaders who tackle environmental governance challenges.

  • PhD program

    Our PhD program prepares students to be senior-level leaders in public service fields.

    Our PhD program prepares students to be senior-level leaders in public service fields.

  • Urban Studies Urban Field School

    Our Urban Studies Urban Field School provides students with opportunities to conduct hands-on research and analysis of sites in Boise and beyond.

    Our Urban Studies Urban Field School provides students with opportunities to conduct hands-on research and analysis of sites in Boise and beyond.

  • The Blue Review

    The Blue Review publishes high-quality scholarship in the public interest.

    The Blue Review publishes high-quality scholarship in the public interest.

  • tent

    Big Tent Radio

    Big Tent Radio is on Radio Boise every Thursday at 3:30 with public affairs talk that engages, not enrages.

    Big Tent Radio is on Radio Boise every Thursday at 3:30 with public affairs talk that engages, not enrages.