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School of Public Service Dean’s Emergency Support Fund

The SPS Dean’s Emergency Support Fund is designed to help students who are confronted with an emergency financial need that, if not met, could result in an inability to complete classes or a degree program. To be considered, students must meet the following requirements:

Attention: Students applying for funding MUST be enrolled in a degree program within the School of Public Service.

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Eligibility Requirements

  1. Applicant must have a financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, or other unplanned event.
  2. Applicant must be currently enrolled as a full-time student in the School of Public Service.
  3. All other resources, including emergency loans through Student Financial Aid must have been considered and are insufficient, unavailable, or not available in a timely manner.
  4. Applicants must complete all questions in full and submit supporting documentation.

Award Amount 

Amount varies based on need and available funds. Typically, 1-2 awards ranging from $250 to $500 will be awarded each term.

To apply for this scholarship, qualified students should:

  • Fill out and submit the below application.
  • Meet all eligibility requirements described above.
  • Include an essay that meets the requirements laid out in the Deans Emergency Fund Application.
  • Include supporting documentation highlighting your need.
  • Funds are awarded to qualified students enrolled in a degree program within SPS. The number and profile of applicants will vary by term. A student may only receive this emergency scholarship once during their academic career as a full-time student at Boise State University. Boise State University employees and/or family members who qualify for tuition remission are not eligible to receive this scholarship.

Types of Covered Expenses (This is not an exhaustive list) 

  • Rent, utilities and other essential household expenses
  • Medications and other costs related to medical care
  • Books and other essential academic expenses
  • Safety needs ( i.e. changing a lock)
  • Replacement of essential personal belongings due to fire, theft or natural disaster
  • Travel costs related to a death or illness in the immediate family

Types of Expenses Not Covered (This is not an exhaustive list) 

  • Tuition, Fees, Health Insurance, and study abroad costs
  • Non-essential utilities (i.e. cable), household or furniture costs not related to damage or theft
  • Parking Tickets
  • Costs for entertainment, recreation, non-emergency travel or other non-essential expenses

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Application for Student Emergency Fund

Please print all information. Incomplete Applications will not be considered.

Visit to view a full list of SPS degree programs.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Full Name(Required)
Are you currently receiving financial aid/scholarships?(Required)
Max. file size: 10 MB.
*If you are currently receiving financial aid, please be aware that receiving funding from the Emergency Fund may affect your future aid package.
Have you received monies from the Emergency Fund before?(Required)
Mark the box next to any items with which you need emergency assistance:(Required)
Please explain in detail the reasons why the emergency funds are needed and what the funds will be used for. Priority will be given to students whose enrollment in The School of Public Service at Boise State University may be at risk because of unexpected expenses. Please attach copies of all available documentation. Documentation may include copies of bills, receipts, legal notices, etc.
Max. file size: 10 MB.
I certify that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I will notify the Office of the Dean in The School of Public Service by letter immediately if after submission of this application there is any change in the information I have provided in this application. I understand that falsifying or withholding information in this application could result in disciplinary action.(Required)
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