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2nd Annual Statewide Survey

Survey Details

highwayReport Authors:

  • Justin S. Vaughn, Ph.D.
  • Jeffrey Lyons, Ph.D.
  • Matthew May, Ph.D.


The Fourth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted December 10th to January 8th and surveyed 1,004 adults currently living in the state of Idaho. The sample is designed to be representative of the population, using a random-digit dialing sampling approach, with 60% of the respondents contacted on cell-phones to increase our coverage of the population. People were asked about their attitudes on the main issues and priorities facing the state, education, budget and taxes, criminal justice, and the environment. The sampling margin of error is 3.1%.

Key Findings

  • Idahoans remain generally satisfied with the direction that the state is headed in and are optimistic about the economy, but see education as the most important issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Evaluations of the quality of K-12 education in the state are mixed, with sizeable numbers believing that quality is fair or poor.
  • Respondents are generally in favor of increasing state funding for early childhood education, but not if it is done by reducing spending on education in other places.
  • Idahoans are largely satisfied with the level of state spending and the level of taxation. Majorities favor either no changes or just small ones when it comes to Idaho’s tax system.
  • The majority of Idahoans are supportive of allowing cities to vote on local option taxes, though when asked if they would vote in favor of such measures the public is divided.
  • Opinions on sentencing for those convicted of crimes are mixed, but majorities appear to be supportive of giving minimum and maximum sentencing guidance to judges.
  • Majorities support the goal of having the state transition to 100% clean energy by 2050, but this support is reduced if it means higher power bills.
  • Idahoans are the most supportive of using more solar energy, and an overwhelming majority are in favor of allowing homeowners with solar units to receive credits on their electricity bill for energy that they add to the grid.