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2025 Idaho Public Policy Survey

Report Authors and Accessibility

Report Authors:

  • Matthew May, Survey Research Director, School of Public Service
  • Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Research Scholar, Idaho Policy Institute
  • Vanessa Fry, Director, Idaho Policy Institute
  • Anthony Bertelsen, Intern, Idaho Policy Institute

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To request the topline data and full tab book for any survey, email School of Public Service Survey Research Director Dr. Matthew May at:

Download the 10th Annual Statewide Survey (PDF)

Read the Tenth Annual Statewide Survey

About the Survey

The Tenth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted November 9-14, 2024, and surveyed 1,000 adults who currently live in Idaho. The sample is representative of the state’s population, both geographically and demographically, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1%. The sample included respondents in 42 of Idaho’s 44 counties. Responses were weighted to ensure representativeness of Idaho’s demographics. The survey covered a wide variety of topics, including the economy, taxes, elections, education, housing, and healthcare. GS Strategy Group fielded the survey by cell phone (38%), landline phone (11%), online (40%), and text message (11%).

Key Findings

  • Idahoans believe the state is headed in the right direction, showing an increase for the first time in six
  • More Idahoans expect Idaho’s economy to get better for the first time since 2020.
  • For the second consecutive year, workforce and affordable housing is Idahoans’ top overall legislative
    budget priority.
  • Increased teacher pay is Idahoans’ top education budget priority.
  • A majority of Idahoans say they oppose (53%) the use of tax dollars to pay for a private or religious
  • Nearly half of Idahoans (49%) say access to health care is difficult in the state.
  • 39% of Idahoans say increasing the number of immigrants helps Idaho’s economy, but that proportion
    grows to 46% when discussing legal immigrants specifically.
  • A majority of Idahoans (55%) believe that abortion should be permitted in Idaho through at least the
    first trimester. A majority (64%) also believe that exceptions for abortion access should be expanded.
  • A majority of Idahoans (51%) have concerns about the security of elections in the United States, but
    less than a quarter (22%) have concerns about the security in Idaho itself.
  • A majority of Idahoans are concerned about campaign spending by independent groups in Idaho.
Bar graph showing demographic breakdown of survey participants
Geographic breakdown by region of survey participants: Northern 21.4%; Southwestern 45.5%; Southcentral 10.4%; Eastern 22.7%
Map of Idaho with county distinctions

The Idaho Public Policy Survey polled 1,000 Idahoans representing 42 of Idaho’s 44 counties. 10th Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey

Survey Results Tableau Dashboard

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