Dr. James Weatherby was Director of the Public Policy Center at Boise State University, Director of the Social Science Research Center, and an associate professor for the Department of Public Policy and Administration until his retirement in June, 2006. An endowed scholarship fund is being established in his name. To contribute to this fund, please download and submit the tax-deductible donation form.
Dr. Weatherby is a co-author of The Urban West: Managing Growth and Decline and Governing Idaho: Politics, People, and Power.
Weatherby is chair of the Idaho State Planning Committee on the “Help America Vote Act.” He is also a board member of the Sage Community Resources, Inc., and the Idaho Tax Foundation.
In 1998, the Idaho City Clerks, Treasurers, and Finance Officers Association named their highest award “The James B. Weatherby Service Award.” It is given annually to a person who has rendered outstanding service to Idaho cities.
Weatherby is a former executive director of the Association of Idaho Cities and was a member of the Board of Directors of the National League of Cities. He has also served on the faculty at the University of Idaho and Northwest Nazarene University.