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Curriculum Requirements

Core Courses

Core courses are intended to insure that each student acquires a broad range of policy analysis and management skills necessary for the changing public service working environment. These courses are based upon the core component requirements established by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.  All MPA students must take the core courses.


The required 3-credit internship for students without substantive administrative experience in the public or nonprofit sectors offers an opportunity to link academic experiences with professional practice.  It can also be a valuable start to a professional career.  Internships are served in local, state, or national offices or in appropriate governmental affairs departments, or in not-for-profit organizations.  Internships are taken close to the end of the student’s course work.  Admitted MPA students with substantive administrative experience in the public or nonprofit sector may petition to have the internship waived.  Please contact the MPA Director or Internship Director ( with questions. Refer to the MPA Student Handbook to find more information about the curriculum and degree requirements.