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Outcomes for Idaho Foster Youth: Engagement with Idaho Department of Corrections

Outcomes for Idaho Foster Youth: Engagement with Idaho Department of Corrections

Cover of Outcomes for Idaho Foster Youth Report. Cover is a photo of children playing with teachers assisting.

Report Authors

  • Guido Giuntini, MS, College of Business and Economics
  • Vanessa Fry, PhD, Research Director of IPI
  • Jaime Hansen, Executive Director of Family Advocates
  • Christopher Torres, Graduate Assistant at IPI

This report was prepared by Idaho Policy Institute at Boise State University and commissioned by Family Advocates with support from The Idaho Governor’s Task Force on Children at Risk.

Recommended citation: Giuntini, G., Fry, V., Hansen, J., & Torres, C. (2019). Outcomes for Idaho Foster Youth: Engagement with Idaho Department of Corrections. Idaho Policy Institute. Boise, ID: Boise State University.

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If parents are unable or unwilling to care for their children (under the age of 18) the children often are taken into the custody of a public child welfare agency and are subsequently placed into foster care. While the child welfare agency remains responsible for any legal decisions for a child, foster families are responsible for the child’s day to day care and wellbeing. A number of children in the United States face this reality. In fiscal year 2017, there were almost 443,000 children in foster care in the United States (5.8 per 1,000); 1,592 of them in Idaho (3.6 per 1,000).1

This study is the initial step in examining the long-term impacts of foster care in Idaho. The report is the first in a series that seeks to answer the question, “How does the experience associated with being removed from one’s family and placed in foster care in Idaho impact a person’s long-term outcomes?”

This first report specifically examines former foster youths’ rate of interaction with Idaho Department of Corrections (IDOC).

There are three main findings:

  • Former foster children and youth in the study are 2.2 times more likely to have interacted with IDOC than the general population.
  • The ratio for males is 2.2 times that of the general population and for females it is 2.6 times.
  • As former foster youth age, incidence increases.


A need exists to understand the long-term outcomes of living through the foster care system in Idaho. Nationally, foster care has been associated with poor outcomes in terms of delinquency, educational attainment and other measurable factors as compared to the general population. A study performed with data from the Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth, the largest longitudinal study of youth aging out of foster care, found that 70% of former foster youth have been arrested and 63% convicted of a crime.2 One report using data from the state of Illinois concluded that vulnerable children placed into foster care are two to three times more likely to engage with the criminal justice system than their peers who remained with their families.3 A careful review of the literature shows that there is no study looking at the long-term effects of foster care in Idaho.

The Scope of this Study

This report uses data from Family Advocates (FA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency, and the Idaho Department of Corrections (IDOC) as a first step towards a comprehensive analysis of outcomes of foster care in Idaho.4 The report utilizes two main datasets for the analysis. The first is a dataset from FA which includes all the children served between 2012 and 2018 that are now 18 and older. The second is a publicly available dataset from IDOC which includes all Idahoans who were, as of March 15th, 2019, actively involved with IDOC. The report specifically examines the incidence rate between former foster care children and youth from the FA database and the IDOC database of active felony cases and then compares that rate with the general population of Idaho.5

Limitations of this Study

A central difficulty in conducting accurate, long-term analysis of outcomes is the challenge of accessing and aggregating datasets from multiple state agencies. Many states, including Idaho, do not have data systems or agreements in place that allow state agencies to share records and information across systems. This makes cross-referencing records difficult for aggregate analysis and has limited the scope of this initial research.

This study specifically examines the propensity of involvement with IDOC for both former foster youth in FA’s Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) database and the general population. The study does not cover all children who have been removed from their families and are now 18 or older, since not all children are assigned to the FA CASA program. Therefore the outcomes for children who were not served by the FA CASA program are unknown. Access to the dataset of all children removed from their families and placed into foster care would afford a more comprehensive analysis. Accessing this data would also allow for a comparison of the two groups of former foster youth and could provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the CASA program.

At this early level of analysis this study does not address, nor does it imply, any causal relationships. As the authors are granted access to more datasets, the scope of implications will expand.

The study uses the IDOC database, which includes only active felony charges and does not include records for individuals who have completed their sentence or that have passed away. In addition, all misdemeanor charges in Idaho are handled at the county level and are not part of the study.6 One last limitation is the lack of ability to track the migration in and out of Idaho of former foster care youth.

Background on Family Advocates and CASA

The CASA program is a national program created in 1977 in King County, Washington, to serve children entering into Child Protective Services. Each state designs the program to meet the specific needs of their state. Some programs are part of a government entity while others are independent non-profits. A majority programs, however, follow national CASA standards.

FA of Boise was founded in 1978 and serves Southwest Idaho. The founders were two foster families that sought to end child abuse in Idaho. Two years later, the FA CASA Program began when the Junior League, the Boise Bar Association and FA received permission from the Honorable Richard Grant, Juvenile Magistrate, to initiate a pilot Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program in Ada County. In 1982, the CASA program officially accepted its first child protection referral and, in 1986, FA took an active role in working with legislators to revise the Child Protection Act in Idaho to clearly define the role of a GAL. The CASA Program at FA serves children in Idaho state’s Fourth Judicial District (Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley Counties).7

Not all children in foster care in the district are assigned to the FA CASA program. Each year, depending on FA’s capacity, a percentage (between 30% and 71%) of children who are removed from their families are assigned to the FA CASA program. In 2018, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reported that 809 children and youth were removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. However, due to a lack of resources at FA (e.g., volunteers and funding), only 409 children under 12 years of age were appointed to FA’s CASA program.