We aren’t just researchers here at the Idaho Policy Institute. Get to know the team with a 25 Questions series. First up is our director, Dr. Greg Hill!

Q: What do you get lost at work in?
A: I get buried in email…
Q: All-time favorite class/professor?
A: Game Theory with Jim Rogers
Q: Your favorite invention?
A: Streaming baseball game services
Q: Were you named after anyone?
A: My Grandfather, Cassius Clay Hill
Q: Favorite place to be?
A: Lake Powell
Q: In elementary school, what activities did you get excited about and what were you best at?
A: Too long ago
Q: What would you name your autobiography?
A: Summers at the Lake: Getting the Most Out of an Unexpected Life
Q: What kind of problems do you best solve?
A: Logic problems
Q: Something you can’t do?
A: Eat tomatoes
Q: What sport are you best at?
A: Water skiing
Q: Favorite career moment?
A: Successfully finishing the Idaho Policy Institute’s first report
Q: Favorite cereal?
A: Honey Smacks
Q: In a team environment, what role do you usually take on?
A: Manager
Q: How would your best friend describe you?
A: Easy going, non-confrontational, but determined
Q: Where is your favorite place to eat?
A: Giordano’s Pizza in Chicago
Q: What do you worry about?
A: My children and their futures
Q: If you were left in the woods with only the items in this room, what would you build?
A: A library
Q: Farthest you’ve been from home?
A: Seoul, Korea
Q:What/Who is your academic inspiration?
A: Herbert Simon
Q: Last movie that made you cry?
A: Hasn’t been made yet
Q: Favorite mascot?
A: Philly Phanatic
Q: What is your favorite sport to watch?
A: College Football – Gig ‘em, AGGIES!!!
Q: Last book you read or are currently reading?
A: Angela’s Ashes
Q: What’s keeping you busy these days?
A: Renovating my pop up camper
Q: All-time favorite TV show (by decade)?
A: 80’s – MASH
90’s – Seinfeld
2000’s – The Office
2010’s – The Goldbergs