Ph.D., Criminal Justice and Criminology (2017). Sam Houston State University
M.A., Criminal Justice and Criminology (2013). Sam Houston State University
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice and English (2011). Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Armstrong, T., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R., Cooke, E., & Woeckener, M., Kavish, N. (2019). Skin conductance, heart rate, and aggressive behavior type. Biological Psychology.
Kavish, N., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Cooke, E., Woeckener, M., & Armstrong, T. (2019). On the associations between indicators of resting arousal levels, physiological reactivity, sensation seeking, and psychopathic traits. Personality and Individual Differences.
Wells, J., & Walsh, A. (2019). Biosocial Theories in Criminology. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.245
Woeckener, M., Boisvert, D., Cooke, E., Kavish, N., Lewis, R., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Connolly, E., & Harper, J. (2018) Parental rejection and antisocial behavior: The moderating role of testosterone. Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Cooke, E. M., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R. H., Hughes-Stamm, S., & Gangitano, D. (2018). The relationship between the MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism, delinquent peer affiliation, and antisocial behavior with a consideration of sex differences. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1-13.
Cooke, E., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Gangitano, D., & Hughes-Stamm, S. (2018). “The relationship between the MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism, delinquent peer affiliation, and antisocial behavior with a consideration of gender.” Accepted at Psychiatric Quarterly.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R., Gangitano, D., & Hughes-Stamm, S. (2017). Stress, genes, and generalizability across gender: Effects of MAOA and stress sensitivity on crime and delinquency. Criminology, 55, 548-574.
Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., & Lewis, R. (2017). Serotonin and self-control: A genetically moderated stress sensitization effect. Journal of Criminal Justice.
Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Lewis, R., & Woeckner, M. & Nobles, M. (2017). Low resting heart rate and stalking. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 0886260517698823.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Boutwell, B., Boisvert, D., Flores, S., Symonds, M., & Gangitano, D. (2015). Molecular genetic underpinnings of self-control: 5-HTTLPR and self-control in a sample of inmates. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(5), 386-396.
Armstrong, G. S., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Wells, J. (2015). The relationship between work–family conflict, correctional officer job stress, and job satisfaction. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(10), 1066-1082.
Research interests: Biosocial underpinnings of antisocial behavior and associated psychological traits including self-control, aggression, and psychopathy; Stress and development; substance use and abuse; Spatial/environmental criminology; Crime Mapping.
CV of Jessica Wells, Ph.D.
Contact Information:
Department of Criminal Justice
1910 University Drive
Boise State University
Boise, ID 83725-1955
Office: Albertsons Library 166D
Fax: 208-334-2359
Email: jessicawells@boisestate.edu
Doctor of Philosophy (May 2017), in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Dissertation title: “Individual Differences in the Impact of Stress on Alcohol use, Binge Drinking, and Alcohol Use Onset: The Role of Developmental and Biological Variation.” Chair: Dr. Danielle Boisvert.
Masters of Arts (May 2013) in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Thesis title: “Molecular Genetic Underpinnings of Self-Control: 5-HTTLPR and Environmental Risk Factors.” Chair: Dr. Todd Armstrong
Bachelor of Arts (May 2011) in Criminology & Criminal Justice and English, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois.
2017-present Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Boise State University.
2017 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Sam Houston State University.
2011-2017 Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Sam Houston State University.
2011-2012 Graduate Research Assistant, Correctional Management Institute of Texas, Sam Houston State University.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Walsh, A., Wells, J., & Gann, S. M. (2020). Correctional Assessment, Casework & Counseling. Springer International Publishing.
Journal Articles
Walker, J., Venta, A., Bechelli, J., Brewer, T., Boisvert, D., Bick, J., Lewis, R., Wells, J., & Armstrong, T. (In Press). Testing the role of inflammation in the relation of childhood maltreatment and suicidal ideation among young adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Venta, A., Bechelli, J., Bick, J., Brewer, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., & Armstrong, T. (2021). Inflammatory and environmental contributions to social information processing. Attachment and Human Development.
Jorgensen, C., & Wells, J. (2021). Is marijuana really a gateway drug? A nationally representative test of the marijuana gateway hypothesis using a propensity score matching design. Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Armstrong, T., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R., Cooke, E., Woeckener, M., & Kavish, N. (2021). An exploratory analysis of testosterone, cortisol, and aggressive behavior type in men and women. Biological Psychology, 161, 10873.
Kavish, N., Boisvert, D., Cooke, E., Lewis, R., Woeckener, M., Wells, J., & Armstrong, T. (2021). Further evaluating the associations between psychopathic traits and symptoms of PTSD and depression. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35, 469-480.
Cooke, E., Lewis, R., Hayes, B., Bouffard, L., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Kavish, N., Woeckener, M., & Armstrong, T. (2020). Examining the relationship between victimization, psychopathy, and the acceptance of rape myths. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R, Cooke, E., & Woeckner, M. (2020). Assessing potential overlap between self-control and psychopathy: A consideration of the Grasmick self-control scale and Levenson self-report psychopathy scale. Journal of Criminal Justice, 70, 101725.
Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., & Lewis, R. (2020). Extending Steinberg’s adolescent model of risk taking to the explanation of crime and delinquency: Are impulsivity and sensation seeking enough? Personality and Individual Difference, 165, 110133.
Cooke, E. M., Connolly, E. J., Boisvert, D. L., Armstrong, T. A., Kavish, N., Lewis, R. H., Wells, J., Woeckener, M., & Harper, J. (2020). Examining how testosterone and cortisol influence the relationship between strain, negative emotions, and antisocial behavior: A gendered analysis. Crime & Delinquency.
Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Lewis, R., & Woeckner, M. & Nobles, M. (2020). Low resting heart rate and stalking perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(11-12), 2271-2296.
Armstrong, T., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R., Cooke, E., & Woeckener, M., Kavish, N. (2019). Skin conductance, heart rate, and aggressive behavior type. Biological Psychology, 141, 44-51.
Kavish, N., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Cooke, E., Woeckener, M., & Armstrong, T. (2019). On the associations between indicators of resting arousal levels, physiological reactivity, sensation seeking, and psychopathic traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 141, 218-225.
Woeckener, M., Boisvert, D., Cooke, E., Kavish, N., Lewis, R., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Connolly, E., & Harper, J. (2018) Parental rejection and antisocial behavior: The moderating role of testosterone. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 8(4), 302-313
Cooke, E. M., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R. H., Hughes-Stamm, S., & Gangitano, D. (2018). The relationship between the MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism, delinquent peer affiliation, and antisocial behavior with a consideration of sex differences. Psychiatric Quarterly, 89(4), 841-853.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R., Gangitano, D., & Hughes-Stamm, S. (2017). Stress, genes, and generalizability across gender: Effects of MAOA and stress sensitivity on crime and delinquency. Criminology, 55, 548-574.
Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Armstrong, T., & Lewis, R. (2017). Serotonin and self-control: A genetically moderated stress sensitization effect. Journal of Criminal Justice, 56, 98-106.
Wells, J, Armstrong, T., Boutwell, B., Boisvert, D., Flores, S., Symonds, M., & Gangitano, D. (2015). Molecular genetic underpinnings of self-control: 5-HTTLPR and self-control in a sample of inmates. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(5), 386-396.
Armstrong, G. S., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Wells, J. (2015). The relationship between work–family conflict, correctional officer job stress, and job satisfaction. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(10), 1066-1082.
Book Chapters
Wells, J. (2021). Biosocial Research Methods. The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2, 535-545.
Walsh, A., Jorgensen, C., & Wells, J. (2020). “Evolution and Punishment” SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology.
Wells, J., & Walsh, A. (2019). Biosocial Theories in Criminology. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.245
Manuscripts Under Review
Chumchal, M., Cooke, E., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Connolly, E., & Armstrong, T. “Focusing on the trees to understand the forest: Examining how dimensions of self-control and psychopathy are associated with antisocial behavior.” R&R at Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Armstrong, T. A., Boisvert, D. L., Wells, J. Lewis, R. H., Cooke, E. M., Woeckener, M., Kavish, N., & Harper, J. M. (Under review). “Testosterone, Cortisol and Crime.” R&R at Hormones and Behavior.
Mitchell, M., Wells, J., & Crandall, K. “Gentrifying or gentrified: Neighborhood crime rates and calls for service in revitalizing areas.” R&R at Crime & Delinquency.
Perez, K., Boisvert, D., Cooke, E., Connolley, E., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Woeckener, M., & Armstrong, T. “The influence of prenatal testosterone (2D:4D) on psychopathic characteristics.” R&R at Heliyon.
Royle, M., Boisevert, D., Armstrong, T., Wells., J., Lewis, R. “Examining the Association between Alcohol Use and Heart Rate Reactivity in Relation to Externalizing Behaviors among Young Adults.” Under review at Substance Use & Misuse.
Kulig, T. C., Armstrong, T. A., Krushas, A. E., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., & Lewis, R. “Examining the role of low self-control and psychopathy in explaining poly-victimization.” R&R at Victims & Offenders.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Cooke, E., & Boisvert, D. “Psychopathy and aggression: Dimensionality of psychopathy and reactive/proactive aggression across gender.” Under review at Deviant Behavior.
Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Keller, S., & Vietto, N. “Preliminary evidence for a relationship between dopamine beta hydroxylase genotype and aggression.” Under review at Journal of Genetics.
Woeckener, M., Lewis, R., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Connolly, E., Cooke, E., Kavish, N., & Armstrong, T. “Does heart rate reactivity moderate the influence of emotional child abuse on violent behavior? A gender-based analysis.” Under review at Journal of Criminal Justice: Revise and Resubmit.
Perez, K., Narvey, C., Boisvert, D., Armstrong, T., Wells, J., & Lewis, R. “Empathy moderates the association between self-control and aggression.” Under review at the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Works in Progress
Walsh, A., Vaske, J., & Wells, J. “Feminist Criminology through a Biosocial Lens, 3rd edition.” Under contract with Carolina Academic Press.
Cooke, E. M., Boisvert, D. L., Armstrong, T. A., Kavish, N., Lewis, R. H., Wells, J., Woeckener, M., & Harper, J. “Testing a dual hormone model of psychopathy and rape myth acceptance: Examining the relationship between psychopathy, testosterone, and cortisol on myth acceptance.”
Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R., Woeckner, M., & Cooke, E. “Are Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) self-control and psychopathy the same thing? A consideration of conceptualization and measurement focusing on the Grasmick self-control scale and the Levenson self-report psychopathy scale.”
Wells, J., Drawve, G., & Swerin, D. “Approaching intimate partner violence at the micro-level: An analysis in Boise, Idaho.”
Wells, J., Comer, B., Lewis, R., Boisvert, D., & Armstrong, T. “Stress responsivity, sensitivity, and resiliency to the deleterious effects of intimate partner violence victimization.”
Grubb, J., Posick, C., & Wells, J., “Examining near repeat burglaries involving single and serial offenders.”
Wells, J., Grubb, J., & Posick, C. “Are places like people? A spatio-temporal analysis of crime specialization.”
Wells, J. & Miller, A. “Gentrification and educational quality: An analysis of changing demographics in Portland, OR.”
Miller, A., & Wells, J. “School choice and the utilization of community resources: Impacts of gentrification on school composition.”
Wells, J., Jorgensen, C., & Comer, B. “MAOA, 5-HTTLPR, and alcohol use outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis of gene-environment interaction effects.”
Lewis, R. H., Wells, J., Meziere M., McCain, S., Boisvert, D., & Armstrong, T. “How does attractiveness influence the relationship between aggression and psychopathy?”
Lewis, R. H., Price, T., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., & Armstrong, T. “How gender and sexual preference play a role in the effects of trauma, PTSD, and heart rate relationship concerning impulsivity, sensation seeking, and antisocial behavior.”
Randa, R., Wells, J., & Zedaker, S. “Perceptions of body size and bullying victimization: Consideration of social cues and victimization type.”
Non Peer-Reviewed Publications
Public Service Scholarship/Technical Reports
King, L., Growette-Bostaph, L., Gillespie, L., Wells, J., Jeffries, R. (2020). “Idaho Crime Victim Survey Results.” Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance. Boise, ID.
Growette-Bostaph, L., Jeffries, R., King, L., Gillespie, L., & Wells, J. (2020). “Idaho’s Sexual Assault Kit Initiative: The Effect of HB528 on Sexual Assault Clearance Rates.” Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance. Boise, ID.
King, L., Growette-Bostaph, L., Gillespie, L., Wells, J., & Jeffries, R. (2020). “Idaho Crime Victim Service Provider Survey Results.” Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance. Boise, ID.
Gann, S., & Wells, J. (2018). “Community Correctional Education.” Idaho Criminal Justice Commission. Boise, ID.
Armstrong, G. S., Wells, J., & Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (2013). “The ‘silent killer’ of correctional officers: Examining job stress among TDCJ correctional officers (Correction Management Institute of Texas Report 2013-No. 1).” Correctional Management Institute of Texas. Huntsville, TX.
Book Chapters
Wells, J. (2019). Biosocial theories of female offending. In Encyclopedia of Women and Crime.
Media and Other Publications
Wells, J. (2018, May 14). “Explanations for Problem Drinking and What We Can Do About It.” https://thebluereview.org/explanations-for-problem-drinking/
Grants, Proposals, Awards & Contracts
Wells, J., (2021). “Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR) Program Evaluation.” Idaho Department of Corrections. $21,832, funded..
Wells, J., Graves, D., Burnham, M., Williamson, M., Epstein, K., & Metcalf, A. (2021). “The (emotional) tragedies of environmental conflict: A rural risk and well-being assessment in two acts.” Idaho NSF EPSCoR. $50,000, funded.
Bostaph, L., King, L., Gillespie, L., & Wells, J. (2021). Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities. $76,649, funded.
Gann, S., & Wells, J. (2018) “Community correctional education.” Idaho Criminal Justice Commission, $21,857.00, funded.
Thomas, S., Drawve, G., & Wells, J. (2015). “Examining the influence of incident, police organizational, and community level characteristics on the clearance by arrest for violent and non-violent offenses.” National Institute of Justice, $39,349, not funded.
Bostaph, L., King, L., & Gillespie, L. (2020). “Biannual report on victimization and victim services.”
Student Assistant
Biosocial Underpinnings of Stalking Wave 2; Enhancement Research Grant, funded, $10,000.
Understanding the Resting Heart Rate/Antisocial Behavior Relationship; Office of Research and Special Programs, funded, $17,500.
Professional Training
2020 Flexible Teaching for Student Success Instititue.
2019 ArcGIS Analysis Workflows for Law Enforcement; International Association of Crime Analysts.
2019 Boise State Uniting for Inclusion and Leadership in Diversity (BUILD) Certificate Program (Completed); Boise State University.
2019 eCampus Course Design and Development Seminar (eCD2S); Boise State University.
2018 eCampus Teaching Online Seminar (eTOS); Boise State University.
2017 Studying Patterns of Behavior Using Growth Curve and Group Based Trajectory Models; American Society of Criminology.
2015 ICPSR Strutural Equation Modeling in STATA; Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research; University of Michigan.
Invited Presentations
Wells, J. (March, 2021) “Crime in the Urban Environment.” Osher Institute. Virtual Event.
Wells, J. (November, 2020) “Psychopathy: Beyond serial killers and into the community.” Idaho Society of Certified Public Accountants. 2020 Fraud Conference.
Wells, J. (October, 2020). “Trauma in the criminal justice system.” Osher Institute. Virtual Event.
Wells, J. (September, 2019). “Work-Life Balance in Graduate School and Beyond.” Sam Houston State University.
Other Selected Presentations
Wells, J. (November, 2019). “Integrating biosocial and environmental criminology.” American Society of Criminology. San Fransisco, CA.
Wells, J., Jorgensen, C., & Comer, B. (October, 2019). “MAOA, 5-HTTLPR, and alcohol use outcomes: A systematic review of gene-envitonment interaction effects.” Western Association of Criminal Justice, Coeur D’Alene, ID.
Drawve, G., Wells, J., Swerin, D. (February, 2019). “Approaching intimate partner violence at the micro-level: An analysis in Boise, Idaho.” Western Association of Criminology, Honolulu, HI.
Wells, J., Cooke, E., Lewis, R., Boisvert, D., & Armstrong, T. (November, 2018). “Low Self-Control and Opportunity: A Biosocial Perspective” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Wells, J. (Feburary, 2018). “IPV and depression: A stress sensitization approach” Academy of Criminal Jsutice Sciences, New Orleans, LA.
Chesna, E., Blanco, A; Behrec, C.; Cansino-Jones, G., Gandy, P., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Armstrong, T., Hughes-Stamm, S., & Gangitano, D. (Feburary, 2018). “Variation in genes affecting dopamine turnover, oxytocin, and serotonin in inmate and student populations” American Academy of Forensic Science, Seattle, WA.
Wells, J., Boisvert, D., & Armstrong, T. (November, 2017). “Stress sensitization and biological stress responsivity: A developmental approach to the impact of stress across gender.” American Academy of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Chesna, E., Beherec, C., Cansino-Jones, G., Gandy, P., Wells, J., Boisvert, D., Armstrong, T., Hughes-Stamm, S., & Gangitano, D. (Feburary, 2017). “Relationship of oxytocin (OXT) and the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) single nucleotide polymorphisms and antisocial behavior” American Academy of Forensic Science, New Orleans, LA.
Wells, J., (November, 2016). “Individual differences in the impact of stress on substance use: The role of developmental and biological variation” American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Simmons, S. (March, 2016). “It depends: A spatial environmental approach to heartrate-environment interation.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, CO.
Wells, J., Randa, R., & Simmons, S. (March, 2016). “BMI and bullying victimization: An evolutionary perspective of extremes.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, CO.
Wells, J., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D., Lewis, R. (November, 2015). “Stress, genes, and generalizability across gender: Direct and interactive effects of candidate genes and life stress on antisocial behavior.” American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C. (also presented at Graduate Research Symposium, Sam Houston State University).
Wells, J., Cooke, E., Armstrong, T., Boisvert, D. (March, 2015). “The Association between Psychopathy, Reactive, and Proactive Aggression: A Gendered Approach.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Orlando, FL.
Wells, J. (February, 2015). “Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism in Interaction with Monoamine Oxidase SNPs in the Explanation of Sensation Seeking via Reward Processing.” Graduate Research Exchange. Sam Houston State University.
Wells, J. (November, 2014). “Aggression, psychopathy, & empathy.” American Society of Criminology. San Francisco, CA.
Wells, J. (November, 2013). “The association between the serotonin transporter gene and self-control.” American Society of Criminology. Atlanta, GA.
Wells, J., Armstrong, G., & Atkin, C. (March, 2013). “The impact of work-family conflict on correctional officer job stress and job satisfaction.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Dallas, TX.
Teaching And Related Experience
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Department of Criminal Justice, Boise State University
Face-to-Face Instruction
Data in Public Service
Theories of Crime
Research Methods (Communication in the Discipline)
Senior Seminar: Drugs and Crime (Finishing Foundations)
Online Instruction
Research Methods (Communication in the Discipline)
Drugs and Crime
Theories of Crime
Data in Public Service
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University
Face-to-Face Instruction
Introduction to Methods of Research (Writing Enhanced; Honors Contract Supervisor)
Gender and Crime
Criminology (Academic Community Engagement; Honors Contract Supervisor)
Online Instruction
Introduction to Methods of Research (Writing Enhanced)
Graduate Courses Taught
Department of Criminal Justice, Boise State University
Face-to-Face Instruction
Critical Issues in CJ (Communities, Crime, and Crime Mapping with GIS)
Gender & Justice
Social Diversity & Crime
Research Methods
Theories of Crime
Thesis and Dissertation Committee Service
Amanda Miller. Dissertation Committee Chair.
Jonathan Krutz. Dissertation Committee Chair. Graduation May, 2022.
Jaime Negrete. Thesis Committee Chair. Graduation May, 2022.
Mary Hannah Hughes. External Reader. University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Graduation Dec, 2021.
Karen Armenta-Rojas. Thesis Committee Chair. Graduation Aug, 2020.
John Ropp. Thesis Committee Member. Graduation Aug, 2019.
Benjamin Comer. Thesis Committee Member. Graduation May, 2019.
Service to the University
2021 – present Criminal Justice Curriculum and Assessment Committee (member), Boise State Universit
2020 – present Criminal Justice Diversity and Inclusivity Committee (member), Boise State University
2020 – present Criminal Justice Communications Committee (member), Boise State University
2019 – present Pretenure Women’s Group (co-host), Boise State University
2019 – present School of Public Service Research Committee (member), Boise State University
2019 – present Urban Studies Faculty Affiliate, School of Public Service, Boise State University
2018 – present Ph.D. Program Committee (member), Boise State University
2020 – 2020 SPS Inclusive Excellence Inventory Inquiry Team, School of Public Service, Boise State University
2018 – 2019 GIS Faculty Advisory Board (member), School of Public Service, Boise State University
2018 – 2020 Faculty Senate Diversity Committee (chair), Boise State University
2018 – 2020 Online CJ Degree Development Committee (member), Boise State University
2018 – 2019 Undergraduate Program PAR Review Committee, Boise State University
2018 – 2019 School of Public Service Cluster Hire Committee, Boise State University
2018 Ph.D. GA Assignment Committee (member), School of Public Service, Boise State University
2018 “Meet & Greet: Media and Criminal Justice Faculty” Organizing Committee (member)
2017 – 2018 Faculty Senate Diversity Committee (member), Boise State University
2017– 2018 Graduate Program PAR review committee, Boise State University
2016 Speaker at Thesis/Dissertation Workshop, SHSU
2015 Host of Interdisciplinary Workshop in Structural Equation Modeling in STATA
2015 – 2016 Fierce Focus Writing Group (organizer), College of Criminal Justice, SHSU
2014 – 2017 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Planning Committee, SHSU
2014 – 2017 Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU; Technology Liaison
2014 – 2017 Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU; Member of Service Committee
2013 – 2014 Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU; Chair of Service Committee
2012 – 2017 Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU; Member
2012 – 2017 Graduate Student Mentor, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU
2012 – 2013 Advisor, Dean’s Student Advisement Committee, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU
Service to the Discipline
Manuscript Reviewer
Frontiers in Psychology
Psychological Reports
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Crime & Delinquency
Journal of Adolescence
Journal of Qualitative Criminology
Journal of School Violence
Women and Crime
Panel Chair:
American Society of Criminology (2019)
Academy of Criminal Justice Science (2018)
Academy of Criminal Justice Science (2016)
Western Association of Criminal Justice: wacj.org (2018-present)
Idaho Biennial Reports: idvch.com (2020-present)
Program Committee
American Society of Criminology: Division of Biopsychosocial Criminology (2018-2020)
Service to the Community
2017 Advisor to the Idaho State Tax Commission (Aggression and Violence)
Professional Membership
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
American Society of Criminology
Division on Developmental/Life-Course Criminology
Division on Women & Crime
Division of Biopsychosocial Criminology
Division of Communities and Place
Biosocial Criminology Association
International Association of Crime Analysts
Western Association of Criminal Justice
Updated: 08/11/2022